Requirements Specification
for Scheduler M
Version 0.1
9 December 2010


1.  Introduction
     1.1. Problem Statement
     1.2. System Personnel
     1.3. Operational Setting
     1.4. Impacts
     1.5. Related Systems
         1.5.1. Visual Classroom Scheduler
         1.5.2. FET
         1.5.3. Wise Timetable
         1.5.4. UniTime
         1.5.5. Lantiv TimeTabler
         1.5.6. CyberMatrix Class Schedule
         1.5.7. Feature Comparison Matrix

2.  Functional Requirements
    2.1. User Interface Overview
2.1.1. Administrator Interface
         2.1.2. Instructor Interface
         2.1.3. Student Interface
    2.2 Basic Schedule Generation
    2.3 Database Management
2.3.1. Instructor Database
         Adding an Instructor
         Browsing Instructor Database
         Edit an Instructor
         2.3.2. Courses Database
         Adding a Course
         Adding a New Subject
         Browsing the Course Database
         View/Edit a Course Record
         2.3.3. Rooms Database
         Adding a Room
         Browsing the Room Database
         Filter/Search Room Records
         View/Edit/New Individual Room Record
    2.4 Detailed Instructor Interface
         2.4.1. Course Preferences for Instructors
         2.4.2. Time Preferences for Instructors
         2.4.3. Room Preferences for Instructors
     2.5 Advanced Schedule Generation and Editing
2.5.1. Constraints
          2.5.2 Viewing, editing, and moving scheduled items
          2.5.3. Conflict Resolution
     2.6 Schedule Viewing
2.6.1. Structural viewing by work week, day, or lists
          2.6.2 Multi-window Viewing
          2.6.3 Searching the generated schedule
     2.7 Server Administration - Posting and Accessing Shared Data
     2.8 Details of File Commands
         2.8.1. New Database, Open Database, and Exit
         2.8.2. Import Existing Database
         2.8.3. Save and Save Database As
     2.9 Details of Edit Commands
         2.9.1. Undo
         2.9.2. Redo
         2.9.3. Delete
         2.9.4. Find

3.  Non-Functional Requirements
    3.1. Performance
    3.2. General Characteristics

4.  Developer Overview

5.  Formal Specification
    5.1. Administrator Interface
    5.2. Instructor Interface
    5.3. Student Interface
    5.4. Instructor Database
    5.5. Courses Database
    5.6. Rooms Database
    5.7. Schedule Viewing and Editing

List of Figures