5.2. Instructor Interface (view.sl)
* This file defines the objects and operations related to the different
* views available to the Instructor type user and the interface they see.
from InstructorDB import InstructorDB;
object LoginName = integer
description: (*
The employee ID of the Instructor wishing to login
object LoginPassword = string
description: (*
The password to match with the Instructor Database that belongs with LoginName
object LoginButton;
object CancelButton;
object InstructorLoginView
components: LoginName and LoginPassword and LoginButton and CancelButton;
description: (*
The log in for an Instructor to edit their preferences.
end InstructorLoginView;
object CourseNumber = integer;
object CourseRatings
components: CourseNumber and rating:integer;
description: (*
The course rating for a particular course number.
end CourseRatings;
axiom forall (c: CourseRatings) (c.rating >= 0 and c.rating <= 5) or c.rating = nil;
object FallRating = boolean
description: (*
The rating for a particular course in the Fall
object WinterRating = boolean
description: (*
The rating for a particular course in the Winter
object SpringRating = boolean
description: (*
The rating for a particular course in the Spring
object SummerRating = boolean
description: (*
The rating for a particular course in the Summer
object QuarterRatings
components: CourseNumber and FallRating and WinterRating and SpringRating and
description: (*
The preference of teaching a course in the particular quarter for an Instructor
end QuarterRatings;
object InstructorCourseView
components: CourseNumber* and CourseRatings* and QuarterRatings* and SavePreferenceButton;
description: (*
InstructorCourseView is the view for when the Instructor
is looking at their course preferences.
end InstructorCourseView;
object BuildingNumber = integer;
object RoomNumber = integer;
object RRating;
object RoomRatings
components: BuildingNumber and RoomNumber and rating:integer;
description: (*
The rating for a particular building number and room.
end RoomRatings;
axiom forall (r: RoomRatings) (r.rating >= 0 and r.rating <=5) or r.rating = nil;
object RoomsList
components: BuildingNumber* and RoomNumber* and RoomRatings*;
description: (*
This contains the list of rooms and their attributes returned by the Rooms Database.
end RoomsList;
object Building = string;
object SmartRoom = boolean;
object Projector = boolean;
object Screen = boolean;
object Overhead = boolean;
object Speakers = boolean;
object Capacity = integer;
object Whiteboard = boolean;
object Chalkboard = boolean;
object Computers = boolean;
object CompNumber = integer;
object OtherOption = string;
object SearchOptions
components: Building and SmartRoom and Projector and Screen and Overhead and Speakers and
Capacity and Whiteboard and Chalkboard and Computers and CompNumber and OtherOption;
description: (*
This is the view box which contains all the search options for filtering the Rooms
end SearchOptions;
object SearchButton;
object InstructorRoomView
components: RoomsList and SearchOptions and SavePreferenceButton and SearchButton;
description: (*
Instructor view contains both the list of rooms and the search options to filter those
list of rooms.
end InstructorRoomView;
(* Days of the week *)
object Sunday = string
description: (*
One of the seven days of the week
object Monday = string
description: (*
One of the seven days of the week
object Tuesday = string
description: (*
One of the seven days of the week
object Wednesday = string
description: (*
One of the seven days of the week
object Thursday = string
description: (*
One of the seven days of the week
object Friday = string
description: (*
One of the seven days of the week
object Saturday = string
description: (*
One of the seven days of the week
object DaysOfWeek
components: Sunday or Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday or Saturday;
description: (*
Contains the days of the week used for TimesOfDay in the Instructor Time Preferences
end DaysOfWeek;
object FromTime = integer;
object ToTime = integer;
object FromAMPM = string;
object ToAMPM = string;
object TimeInterval
components: FromTime and FromAMPM and ToTime and ToAMPM;
description: (*
This is the hour time interval. For example, 11:00AM to 12:00PM.
end TimeInterval;
object TimesOfDay
components: TimeInterval and DaysOfWeek;
description: (*
This is the combination of a day of the week and the time interval. This is used to
model which checkbox the Instructor checks during the Time Preferences.
end TimesOfDay;
object TimeRatings
components: TimesOfDay and rating:integer;
description: (*
The preference rating for a particular day and time interval
end TimeRatings;
axiom forall (t: TimeRatings) (t.rating >= 0 and t.rating <=5) or t.rating = nil;
object InstructorTimeView
components: DaysOfWeek and TimesOfDay* and TimeRatings* and SavePreferenceButton;
description: (*
InstructorTimeView includes every time of day and day of week combination along with
the rating for each combination.
end InstructorTimeView;
object UpdatedPrefs
components: CourseRatings* and QuarterRatings* and TimeRatings* and RoomRatings*;
description: (*
The updated preferences for every Course, Time and Room rating.
end UpdatedPrefs;
object SavePreferenceButton;
operation SavePreference
inputs: c:CourseRatings* and q:QuarterRatings* and t:TimeRatings* and r:RoomRatings*;
outputs: (* Updated in the databases *);
precondition: (* None, handled by axioms for every rating*);
postcondition: (* None *);
description: (*
SavePreferenceClick takes a click from the mouse on top of the
SavePreferenceButton. Once pressed, the scheduler will automatically
update the InstructorDB and change their preferences based on what
the Instructor specified for each type of preference.
end SavePreference;
operation LoginInstructor
inputs: ln:LoginName, lp:LoginPassword, idb:InstructorDB;
outputs: InstructorCourseView;
precondition: ;
(* Login EMPID must be in the InstructorDB and the password much match *)
(exists (ir in idb) (idb.ln = ln) and (idb.lp = lp);
description: (*
The log in operation when the Instructor first tries to access their preferences.
end LoginInstructor;
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