2.6.3 Searching the generated schedule

If the user is ever in need of finding a specific entry or entries, the search function found at the top right is just what they need. The search function features a search field where any string can be entered.

search function
Figure The search box

By typing into the search box, the content of the main view window is updated to reflect the search term. Any scheduled item that has a value that contains the current string in the search box will still be visible in the generated schedule. If no scheduled items match the string provided, the schedule will appear empty.

search function
Figure The search function without text

search function
Figure The search function with text

As shown in figure, when there is text in the search box, an "x" button on the right will appear. By clicking on this button, the system will respond by clearing the search box of any text and returning the generated schedule to show all of its contents.

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