Document Standards

  1. Put the figures right after the text that describes the screen shot.
  2. When referring to another section for the first time, use the section number and title. When referring to that same section a second (or third, fourth, ...) time, only use the section number. At all times, make that reference to the other section a hyperlink so the user can quickly jump to that section.
  3. When referring to the user of our program, use the following names in the specific situations instead of using a more general term like "the user".
    1. student: the user of the student version of our program
    2. instructor: the user who creates/edits a question or a test, gives an in class test, and grades taken tests.
  4. Section titles will use the HTML heading tags.
    1. h2 for 1st and 2nd level sections (e.g. 2. and 2.1.)
    2. h3 for 3rd and 4th level sections (e.g. 2.1.2. and
    3. h4 for 5th level sections (e.g.
  5. Add a named anchor before every section title so in the Table of Contents, the user can jump to a specific section in a large HTML file. The anchor name should match the section number. For example, the HTML code for section 2.3.1 would look like: <a name="2.3.1"></a>
  6. Figures names are made up of two parts: the section number and the image number. Here is an example of the figure name for the second image in section 2.3.1: Figure 2.3.1.i2
  7. Add a named anchor before every screenshot so we can have a List of Figures. The anchor name should match the figure name. For example, the HTML code for the second image in section 2.3.1 would look like: <a name="2.3.1.i2"></a>
  8. Figures must also contain a caption. This is placed right after the figure name. For example, Figure 2.3.1.i2: Sample Caption
  9. The figure name and caption goes below the actual image and should be bold. The image, figure name and caption must be centered.
  10. The image filenames must follow the figure naming convention. For example, the filename for the second image in section 2.3.1 would be figure2.3.1.i2.jpg (the file may also be in gif or png format, but not bmp, tif, or any other format).
  11. Use the paragraph tag, <p>, to separate blocks of text into paragraphs instead of an empty line by using multiple <br> tags.
  12. When referencing a GUI element in a screen shot (a button or label for example), reference it by it's text and make it italicized. For example, there is a button labeled Submit. When referring to that button, it should look like: when the student presses the Submit button ...
  13. When using a keyword, bold them the first time they appear in a second level section (e.g. 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 ...). Also, give a short definition of that keyword immediately after using that keyword for the first time. Each subsequent time the keyword is used, it is NOT bold, just plain text.
  14. For functional requirements, the title of the HTML document must be Team Bang. So the HTML code would look like <title>Team Bang</title>.
  15. Screenshots will be taken by executing the prototype code, not by using Test Form in NetBeans.
  16. Do not change the font name, size, or color.