Sample Test

Use this test for all examples in scenarios that you are making.

1.  What is the air-speed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?
    a.  20 m/h
    b.  60 km/h
    c.  1 m/s
    d.  Not enough information given.
Type:  Multiple choice
Difficulty:  6
Time:  5 minutes
Author:  Turner
Class:  DUH 101
Answer: d

2.  Java is a programming language that is known for its amazingly fast runtime.
    a.  True
    b.  False
Type:  True/False
Difficulty:  9
Time:  10 minutes
Author:  Fisher
Class:  CSC 101
Answer: False

3.  What is the meaning of life?

Type:  Short response
Difficulty:  1
Time:  1 minute
Author:  Socrates
Class:  PHIL 101
Answer:  Keywords = Eat, Sleep, Ultimate Frisbee, Gnomes

4.  Please code in Java a program that outputs the words "Hello World".

Type:  Programming
Difficulty:  10
Time:  50 minutes
Author:  Dalbey
Class:  CSC 205
Answer: Expected Output = Hello World

5.  The best brand of computer available is  ___________________.

Type:  Fill-in-the-blank
Difficulty:  1
Time:  3 minutes
Author:  Jobs
Class:  LIFE 101
Answer:  Apple

6.  Match the following operating systems with the most relevant name.

Windows --> Bill Gates
Mac OS --> Steve Jobs
Linux --> Linus Torvalds

Type:  Matching
Difficulty:  2
Time:  2 minutes
Author:  Nico
Class:  CSC 330
Answer:  above

7.  In 300 words or less please describe the software development process.

Type:  Essay
Difficulty:  5
Time:  10 minutes
Author:  Stearns
Class:  CSC 205
Answer:  Keywords = Requirements, Design, Code, Test