* Module InstructorInterface defines the basic objects and
operations used by the instructor
* interface. The instructor interface defines a workspace which
will be used to open multiple documents.
* Some of those documents include the Tests, QuestionBank(Shared
and Local). Also the instructor uses the interface
* to administer tests and upload them to the grader tool. These
operations are defined in their respective modules in detail.
* The interface simply provides the means for those documents to
exist in the workspace.
module InstructorInterface;
from TestGeneration import Test,Wizard;
from InstructorFile import FilePermissions;
from StudentInterface import length;
from InstructorEdit import PreviousState;
from TestAdminister import TeacherView;
from TestGrading import TestGradingView;
from QuestionBankModule import
export TestFile, InstructorWorkspace,FileSaveDialog, Text,
FileName, Location, FileOpenDialog,
InstructorPassword,InstructorLogOnScreen, IsValid;
object TestFile is
components: fp:FilePermissions and t:Test and
lqb:LocalQuestionBank and sqb:SharedQuestionBank;
operations: Save,SaveTestAs,OpenTest;
description: (*
A TestFile is the file
representation of a test. The InstructorWorkSpace
uses TestFile objects to open or
save tests modified in the student
interface. A TestFile must be
readable and writable and can be saved
on a computer accessible to the
end TestFile;
object Text is
components: str:string and ps:PreviousState;
operations: CopyText,PasteText;
description:(* Text is simply a string on which edit
operations can be performed
end Text;
object HighlightedText is
components: str:string and l:length;
operations: CutText,CopyText;
description: (*
A HighlightedText object is a
section or an entire body of text selected
to be edited. The text can be
cut, copied, erased, or replaced by another
section or body of text. Any text
that is highlighted should stand out from
the rest of the text. The text
should be bolded or be displayed in a different
color than the rest of the text
so the student can distinguish between
highlighted and non-highlighted
end HighlightedText;
object InstructorUserName is
components: str:string and valid:IsValid;
operations: InstructorLogOnScreen, ExportToGrader;
description: (*
An InstructorUserName is a unique
string that instructors use to authenticate
themseleves as and when needed in
the Instructor Interface
end InstructorUserName;
object InstructorPassword is
components: str:string and valid:IsValid;
operations: InstructorLogOnScreen,ExportToGrader;
description: (*
A Password is a unique single
encrypted string. Instructors use their individual passwords
along with their user names to
authenticate themselves as and when needed in the
instructor interface.
end InstructorPassword;
object IsValid is boolean
operations: ServerLocation,ExportToGrader;
* This is the variable that is set after the
instructor's username and password are vaidated by the system
end IsValid;
object InstructorLogOnScreen is
components: un:InstructorUserName and
description: (*
An instructor types in their
Calpoly User ID and password into the Log on screen
to gain access to components of
the Instructor interface.
end LogOnScreen;
object InstructorWorkspace is
components: t:Test and lqb:LocalQuestionBank and
sqb:SharedQuestionBank and los:InstructorLogOnScreen and wiz:Wizard and
qbs:QuestionBankSettings and tgv:TestGradingView and qb:QuestionBank;
description: (*
The InstructorWorkSpace is the work space the instructor uses to
generate tests,
* connect to questions banks, edit tests, and grade
tests within the instructor interface.
It displays the operations of the InstructorFile, InstructorEdit,
InstructorTests ,
* and InstructorQuestions modules as menu items titled
* "File", "Edit", "Tests", and "Questions". The
previous_state component is used to support
one level of command undo. The Clipboard is used with the cut, copy,
and paste operations.
end InstructorWorkspace;
object FileName is string
description:(*The name of a file that can be opened
in the workspace*);
object Location is string
description:(*Location specifies where the file is
object FileOpenDialog is
components: FileName and Location;
description: (*
The FileOpenDialog is the dialog interface where a student may select
a test file to open into the student interface from a specific
end FileOpenDialog;
object FileSaveDialog is
components: FileName and Location;
description: (*
The FileSaveDialog is the dialog interface where an instructor may save
the test
or a question bank displayed in the instructor interface to a specific
end FileSaveDialog;
end InstructorInterface;
* Module Instructor File defines the operations related to
generating a new test,
* opening an existing test, saving , printing , and exiting from
the instructor
* interface. The following objects are taken from the Calender
Tool program: FilePermissions,
* IsReadable, IsWritable, FileType, TestType, FileData,
module InstructorFile;
from InstructorInterface import TestFile, Test, FileSaveDialog,
from TestGeneration import Wizard;
from QuestionBankModule import QuestionBank,
export FilePermissions, IsReadable, IsWritable, FileType, TestType,
FileData, RequiresSaving;
object FilePermissions is
components: ir:IsReadable and iw:IsWritable;
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
FilePermissions are permissions indicating if a file is readable and/or
end FilePermissions;
object IsReadable is boolean
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
A flag indicating if a file is readable, which must be true to carry
out the
OpenTest operation.
end IsReadable;
object IsWritable is boolean
description: (*
A flag indicating if a file is writable, which must be true to carry
out the
SaveTest and SaveTestAs operations.
end IsWritable;
object FileType is TestType
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
The type of file used by the student interface where data is of
* and can be stored in a file.
end FileType;
object TestType is
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
File data tag that indicates if a file contains Test data made by the
Tool program.
end TestType;
object FileData is Test
operations: OpenTest;
description: (*
FileData is a representation of a Test object. When implementing
any file data object may be used that accurately holds a Test object.
end FileData;
object RequiresSaving is boolean
description: (*
* NeedsSaving is true if a test has been edited, which is true if one
or more
* successful edit operations has been performed on the displayed test
since the
* most recent save. The test edit operations are Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy,
and Paste.
end RequiresSaving;
operation NewTest is
inputs: iws:InstructorWorkspace;
outputs: iws':InstructorWorkspace;
description: (*
* Activates the test generation wizard
precondition: true;
* The workspace has a
new wizard. It will require saving.
(iws = iws');
end NewTest;
operation OpenTest is
inputs: iw:InstructorWorkspace and tf:TestFile and
permissions:FilePermissions and fd:FileData
and ft:FileType and ir:IsReadable
and tt:TestType;
outputs: t:Test, iw':InstructorWorkspace;
description: (*
OpenTest will open a test file from a specific directory and display it
the instructor interface. The student may only open test files in the
operation and not any other type of file.
* A test file must exist
and be located in a directory that is accessible by the
* student. The file must
also be readable and the type of the file must be of type
* test. This precondition
is taken from the precondition of the FileOpen operation
* of the Calander RSL
(exists (tf:TestFile) (tf.fp.ir));
* The test file is opened
into the instructor interface filling in the entire
* instructor interface area.
(iw'.t = tf.t);
end OpenTest;
operation Save is
inputs: t:Test and fsd: FileSaveDialog and
outputs: tf':TestFile;
description: (*
SaveTest will save any changes made to the currently displayed Test in
instructor interface to the test file that contains the test. This
option only
updates the test file with the new changes that are not contained in the
old test file and the file must be writable.
* A test file must exist and be present within
the instructor interface. IsWritable must
* be true.
(exists (tf:TestFile) (tf'.t = t) and (tf'.fp.iw =
* Changes must have been made to the test in
the instructor interface that are not
* contained in the old test file, or the test
was newly created.
(tf'.t = t) and (tf'.fp.iw) and (tf'.fp.ir);
end Save;
operation SaveTestAs is
inputs: t:Test and qb:QuestionBank and
fsd:FileSaveDialog and iw:IsWritable;
outputs: tf':TestFile;
description: (*
SaveTestAs will save the test
file currently displayed in the instructor's interface
as a new file in a specific
directory. This operation can either create a new
file with a new name or overwrite
an old file that is writable with the same name.
If overwriting a file with the
same name, the instructor must be prompted that saving
the test file will overwrite the
old file and if he wishes to continue.
* A test object must exist as an object that
can be saved as a file and be displayed
* in the instructors interface.
(t != nil) and (qb != nil);
* A test file is made from the test object
currently displayed in the instructors interface
* under a file name of the his choosing. The
test file is saved in a directory
* accessible by the instructor.
(tf'.t = t) and (tf'.fp.ir) and (tf'.fp.iw);
end SaveTestAs;
object UserWantsToSave is boolean
description: (*
UserWantsToSave is a state that
tells the instructor interface if the instructor
wants to save the changes made to
a test.
end UserWantsToSave;
operation ExitinstructorInterface is
inputs: iw:InstructorWorkspace and tf:TestFile and
outputs: tf':TestFile;
description: (*
ExitinstructorInterface will
close the Instructor interface and exit the program. If
there is a test or a question
bank in the Instructor interface that has been changed but not saved,
a prompt will appear asking the
Instructor if he would like to save the changes
to the test before exiting the
Instructor interface.
* The Instructor can exit the application
anytime during a session.
* If a test or a question bank is displayed in
the Instructor interface that has been changed but not saved,
* the Instructor is asked if he would like to
save the changes to it before exiting.
if(iw.t != nil) or (iw.lqb != nil) or (iw.sqb !=
nil) then
(if (uwts) then
(tf'.fp.iw and
tf'.fp.ir and tf'.t = iw.t)
(tf'.fp.iw and
tf'.fp.ir and tf'.lqb = iw.lqb)
(tf'.fp.iw and
tf'.fp.ir and tf'.sqb = iw.sqb)
(tf' = tf))
(tf' = nil);
end ExitInstructorInterface;
end InstructorFile;
* Module Instructor Edit defines the operations related to undo
and redo.
* The following object definitions are taken from the Calander
RSL specifictations:
* Clipboard, TextSelection, StartPosition, EndPosition, Context,
and State.
module InstructorEdit;
from InstructorInterface import Text, HighlightedText,
export Clipboard,State, PreviousState;
object Clipboard is
components: str:string and l:length;
operations: CutText,CopyText,PasteText;
description: (*
Clipboard is a buffer that stores
the TextSelection temporarily
end Clipboard;
object State is boolean
description: (*
State is a flag indicating if a change has been made to a test
displayed in the
instructor interface.
end State;
object PreviousState is State
description: (*
PreviousState is a state of a
test before the most recent change.
end PreviousState;
object PreviousText is Text
description: (*
PreviousText is the original text
before any recent change.
end PreviousText;
operation UndoChange is
inputs: txt:PreviousText and ps:PreviousState;
outputs: txt':Text;
description: (*
UndoChange reverts the most
recent change made to the currently displayed Test
in the student interface. The
UndoChange operation can only undo changes made to
the text answer of a question
made by a student. The UndoChage operation can be
used only one time.
* Some text must exist in the test and the
text must have been changed at least once
* before the UndoChange operation can be used.
* The most recent change to the text on the
test is reverted back to its original
* form before the most recent change was made.
(txt' = txt);
end UndoChange;
operation CutText is
inputs: htxt:HighlightedText and cp:Clipboard;
outputs: ;
description: (*
CutText will remove a piece of
highlighted text from the test currently displayed
in student interface. The text
will not be deleted, but will be temporarily saved
on the Clipboard until he decides
to put it back onto the test.
* Some text must exist in the test and the
student must manually highlight the text to
* be cut from the test.
* The highighted text is cut out from the test
and saved as a temporary file on the
* Clipboard.
(htxt.l = 0) and (cp.str = htxt.str);
end CutText;
operation CopyText is
inputs: htxt:HighlightedText and cp:Clipboard;
outputs: cptxt:Text;
description: (*
CopyText will copy a piece of
highlighted text from the test currently displayed
in the student interface. The
copied text is saved on the Clipboard until the
student decides to put the copied
text back onto the test.
* Some text must exist in the test and the
student must manually highlight the text to
* be copied from the test.
* The highlighted text is copied from the test
and saved as a temporary file on the
* Clipboard.
(cp.str = htxt.str);
end CopyText;
operation PasteText is
inputs: ctxt:Text and cptxt:Text and cb:Clipboard;
outputs: Text;
description: (*
PasteText will place the string
currently in the buffer to the current location of the
cursor in the active document*);
* The clipboard is not empty.
(cb.str != nil);
* The text retrieved from the clipboard is
placed to the current location of the cursor
end PasteText;
end InstructorEdit;
* Module InstructorTests defines the objects and operations
related to administering a test,
* grading tests, passing back tests, and exporting to the grader
within the instructor
* interface.
module InstructorTests;
from InstructorInterface import Test, TestFile,
from QuestionModule import CorrectAnswer,QuestionText,Answer;
from TestAdminister import Status, QuestionView, CurrentQuestion,
TeacherView, TestView,ClassTests;
from TestGrading import TestGradingView;
from InstructorFile import FilePermissions;
export Accessible;
object Accessible is boolean
operations: GradeTest;
description: (*
Accessible is a flag indicating
if a LocationAddress is accessible to the instructor from
the instructor interface.
end Accessible;
object IsAvailable is boolean
description:(* This is a flag to notify the system
that the graded test is now available for the
students to view*);
operation AdministerTest is
inputs: iw:InstructorWorkspace;
outputs: iw':InstructorWorkspace,tv:TeacherView;
description: (*
* The teacher view of administering a test is displayed in the
instructor workspace.
(* The instructor can run this
operation anytime he is ready to administer a test*)
* The proctoring window is
displayed in the intructor's interface
(iw'.tv = iw.tv);
end AdministerTest;
operation GradeTest is
inputs: iw:InstructorWorkspace, a:Accessible,
t:Test, ct:ClassTests;
outputs: iw':InstructorWorkspace,
description: (*
The instructor opens up the test that needs to be graded. This will
open up the
Test Grading
* A graded test file exsts
and must be part of classtests.
exists (t:Test) t.aq != nil;
(* After the test file has been
verified that it exists and is answered then, the workspace will have
the test grading view
iw'.tgv = iw.tgv;
end GradeTest;
operation PassBackTest is
inputs: iw:InstructorWorkspace,t:Test,ct:ClassTests,
outputs: iw':InstructorWorkspace;
description: (*
The instructor makes the graded exam available for students who can
then check their grades
* The graded test exists
exists (t:Test) t.gq != nil;
* The graded test is now
made available to students
end PassBackTest;
operation closeGradedTests is
inputs: iw:InstructorWorkspace, t:Test;
outputs: iw':InstructorWorkspace;
description:(*After the gradedtest has been made
available by the instructor, he may wish to close it
so that no new
student can access his test.This operation will make the graded tests
(*The graded tests should be
(*The graded tests have now been
made unavailable*)
end closeGradedTests;
object ServerLocation is
components: str:string, valid:IsValid;
operations: ExportToGrader;
description:(*This is a pre determined location for
the grader server.*);
end ServerLocation;
operation ExportToGrader is
valid:IsValid, sl:ServerLocation;
outputs: iw':InstructorWorkspace;
description: (*
The instructor takes all taken tests and export them to the grader tool
for grading.
* The test to be exported
to the grader tool must be graded by the instructor. The loacation for
* grader server is a valid
location. Also the instructor needs a valid user name and password to
export a test
* file to the grader tool
exists (at:AnsweredTest) t.gq !=
* If the userName, Password
and location is valid, then the chosen test will be exported to the
* grader tool
if(un.valid and ps.valid) then
iw' = iw;
end ExportToGrader;
function Export(sl:ServerLocation) -> (boolean) = sl.valid;
end InstructorTests;
* Module InstructorQuestions defines the objects and operations
related to setting up
* local and shared question banks, connecting to local question
banks, and connection to
* shared question banks within the instructor interface.
module InstructorQuestions;
from InstructorInterface import
from InstructorTests import Accessible;
from QuestionBankModule import QuestionBank,
operation OpenQuestionBankSetting is
inputs: iw:InstructorWorkspace,
outputs: iw':InstructorWorkspace;
description: (*
The instructor uses this option to setup his question bank setting.
This will include
local and shared question bank settings.
*No other questionBank or
QuestionBankSettings window should be open.
iw.qbs = nil and iw.lqb = nil and
iw.sqb = nil;
* The instructors workspace
now contains the dialog to change question bank settings
iw'.qbs = qbs;
end OpenQuestionBankSetting;
operation OpenLocalQuestionBank is
inputs: iw:InstructorWorkspace,
outputs: iw':InstructorWorkspace;
description: (*
The instructors can use this option to open up the local question bank,
where he can edit questions.
* The question bank exists
within the instructor's local hard drive.
iw.lqb = nil and #(qbs.Lqbs.Lbp)
> 0;
* The question bank is
opened up in the Instructor Interface.
iw'.lqb = qbs.Lqbs.Lbp[1].lqb;
end OpenLocalQuestionBank;
operation OpenSharedQuestionBank is
inputs: iw: InstructorWorkspace,
outputs: iw':InstructorWorkspace;
description: (*
The instructor enters his username and password in or to connect to the
question bank. Once connected, the shared question bank opens within
instructor's interface.
* The log on screen appears
and the username and password are authenticated by the system. If they
are valid, then the shared
* question bank will appear
in the instructors interface.
iw.sqb = nil and
#(qbs.Sqbs.sbp) > 0 and exists(bur' in qbs.Sqbs.sbp[1].bul.bur)
(qbs.Sqbs.sbp[1].un = bur'.un)
and (qbs.Sqbs.sbp[1].pw =
* The shared question bank
is displayed within the instructor's interface.
iw'.sqb = qbs.Sqbs.sbp[1].sqb;
end OpenSharedQuestionBank;
end InstructorQuestions;
Up: 5. Formal Specifications |
Next: 5.2. Question |