Appendix B: Pending Items

This document outlines the tasks that were to be completed by 5:00 pm on December 11th, but the team was unable to complete them due to limited time and resources.

  1. Conforming to Dr Fisher's GUI standards: All the figures in the requirements document need to be converted to the GUI standards as specified by Dr Fisher. This task will be completed within the first week of winter quarter.
  2. Moving some scenarios from the Instructor Interface to their seperate sections:  The scenarios dealing with passing back a graded test to the students and exporting a graded test to the Grader tool are to be moved to their respective sections. For now they are dealt with in the Instructor Interface, but will be moved within the first week of winter quarter.
  3. Creating an Error Page: There was a requirement/request from Dr Fisher to create an error page, where all the errors and the corresponding GUI that the user could encounter while using the Test tool would be placed. Currently, these errors are dealt with in their respective pages but will be moved to a separate page next quarter.

Appendix A: List of Figures

Table of Contents
Appendix C: Data Dictionary