2.3.2 Connecting to a Question Bank

A user can connect to a shared or local question bank.  Connecting to a question bank requires a previous user to have created a currently exisiting question bank.  It also requires the user to have login information.

Connect to Shared Question Bank:
Figure shows the window for a client to connect to a shared question bank.  The user must enter the username and password information into the correct fields.  Only authorized users(users listed in bank users management list) can login to a shared question bank. (Note: The administrator can login by typing his/her administrator name into the username box to have administrative functions.)  The location field is either a web URL, or network path to the question bank location.  The above fields can either be typed in manually or accessed from a profile name made during question bank creation.    Once fields are complete, the user can login to the shared question bank by clicking the "Connect" button.

Figure  "Connect to Shared Question Bank"
Connect to Shared Question Bank

Connect to a Local Question Bank:
Connecting to a local question bank, as shown in figure, has a very similar procedure as connecting to a shared question bank.  The exceptions are that a connecting to a local question bank can only be accessed on the remote machine where the question bank is located; the second exception is that only the creator can login to the system thus there is no bank user management list.  After the user has entered valid information into the text fields, the user can click "Connect" to connect to a local question bank.

Figure  "Connecting to a Local Question Bank":
Connecting to a Local Question Bank