2.2 Adding a Question

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.2 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2P1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX First sentence run-on.
2.2P2 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2I1 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2P3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Run-on sentences. MAybe add examples to clarify the keyword explanation.
2.2P4 KMJ 22oct04 FIX You need to refer to the image. WHen you start this example.
2.2P5 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Change "THe next section is where" to something like "The next section shows" or "In the following scenario."
2.2I2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Use a a more detailed description for this image.
2.2P6 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2I3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Why is the Time to COmplete box in blue?
2.2P7 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Change "users can use." Find a better way to say this.
2.2P8 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Where does this menu come from? Fix "the question type drop-down menu" too many nouns.
2.2I4 KMJ 22oct04 FIX More detailed description for title.
2.2P9 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Split up this sentence
2.2P10 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Combine this into one of the other paragraphs and link it to those sections.
2.2P11 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Grammar- "finishing" should be finished. Maybe change "Instead" to something else. It doesn't really work. This whole paragraph need to be polished.
2.2A1 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.2.1 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2P1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Improve opening (i.e. "This scenario shows..." THis section covers...")
2.2I1 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2P2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX CHange "decides" to something else like "selects." Try to make your description a little more conversational. When I read this, I think that you are trying too hard to avoid the passive voice.
2.2A2 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.2.2 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2.2P1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX This is a scenario not a description of the user's 'wants'. Avoid sentences like your opening.
2.2.2I1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Don't use the blue if you aren't going to reference it in your text.
2.2.2P2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Show a figure after the first time you reference it. In other words, you need to put the figure 8 right after this paragraph. Also try to break up this paragraph, it is a little hard to follow.
2.2.2P3 KMJ 22oct04 Fix Explain this better. Inputs where? I understand what you are saying but it could flow smoother and be clearer.
2.2.2I2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Do you refer to the blue? Why is it blue?
2.2.2P4 KMJ 22oct04 FIX I think that your description should be more general first and then get more detailed as you explain your images. You are describing exactly what is happening in your picture but I think you should say something more like..."Users can remove a possible answer by selecting the Remove button next to the option. In figure 7, the user has decided to remove the "perhaps" option. They click the blue button ***make the remove button blue*** and the option is removed. Figure 8 shows this window with the remaining options."
2.2.2P5 KMJ 22oct04 FIX This is another place that I would try to transition better.
2.2.2I3 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2.2P6 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Sentence doesn't flow.
2.2.2P7 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Saves it how, where, for what?
2.2.2P8 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Is this paragraph and the one before saying the same thing. I can't follow what happened.
2.2A3 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.2.3 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2.3P1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Be more general in the scenario. The example you use isn't very clear as to why you would use a matching answer.
2.2.3I1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Column headers would be helpful.
2.2.3P2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Grammar: Sentence ending with 'are' should be changed. Also, you could describe this a little better. You tell what is happening but don't elaborate very much on why or what it means.
2.2.3P3 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2.3I2 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2.3P4 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Explain what the user sees in figure 13 such as the fact that java.util is matched to both "Stack and Sorted Set."
2.2A4 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.2.4 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2.4P1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Use a general description first.
2.2.4I1 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2.4P2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Grammar- Second and third sentences have punctuation problems with the commas.
2.2.4I3 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.2.4P3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Huh? "with the Matching answer now the default" I don't understand.
2.2A5 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.2.5 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
Basically repeating the same problems. You should maybe run it my Fisher whether your style works. I am running out of time so I'm going to stop and try to come back to this later.