
Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.6 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.6P1 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.6P2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Trim down this sentence.
2.6I2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Need descriptive caption.
2.6P2 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.6I2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Caption
2.6P3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX This would be better if you focus on one part at a time. Break this up and include these details as they come up in the scenarios.
Your section looks pretty good. It is pretty clear and understandable with relatively few errors. The most important thing that you are missing is a descriptive title/caption with each figure. The changes I would suggest are to break up the larger blocks or text and try to avoid paragraphs where you are kind of listing a bunch of stuff like "This thing does this function and that button means this and in this corner is..." I don't know if you do this through you whole section or just at the begining. I would also include update you images with clearer versions and some color. It would be good to point out what specific things you are referring to in the image (Like you did with the arrows in your presentaion).