Creating a Test

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Title doesn't match with the table of contents. Does the TOC need to be updated?
2.3A1 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.3.1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Take out the Intro and just put the text under 2.3.
2.3.1P1 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.3.A2 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.3.2 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.3.2P1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Need a image to go along with this
2.3.2P2 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.3.2P3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Try to move this into the paragraph above. If you refer to a figure (figure 4) you need to show it here.
2.3A3 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.3.3 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.3.3P1 KMJ 22oct04 Fix COmbine sentences like "This includes the test name, length of test (time), and the keywords."
2.3.3P2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Not a word- "Defaultly"
2.3.3P3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Change "selects the yes" to "selects yes." You did not use coincided correctly; rewrite the sentence.
2.3.3I1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX I don't think you should have this linked to show the options. Probably ask Fisher but I think the reader should be able to see both a the same time.
2.3A4 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.3.4 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.3.4P1 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.3.4I1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX ?Don't link?
2.3.4P2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Explain with examples.
2.3.4P3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX "To make the test a timed test" to "To add a time limit to the test."
2.3.4I2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Add caption
2.3A5 KMJ 22oct04 ?
2.3.5 KMJ 22oct04 DONE
2.3.5P1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Rewrite the test about comments to proctors; it sounds repetitive.
2.3.5P2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Should these headers be part of the TOC with numbering?
2.3.5I1 KMJ 22oct04 FIX Lable Figure and introduce it first.
2.3.5P3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX First sentence doesn't make sense. Change last sentence to "All tests can be produced in a paper version" or something like that.
2.3.5I2 KMJ 22oct04 FIX More descriptive label and no link. Introduce it first.
2.3.5I3 KMJ 22oct04 FIX To be completed?