2.2 GMP 04Nov11 FIX Managing Question => Managing Questions
2.2.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE
2.2.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE
2.2.P2 GMP 04Nov11 FIX techer => teacher
2.2.P2 GMP 04Nov11 FIX administratior => administrator
2.2.I1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.P3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.P4 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.P5 GMP 04Nov11 FIX unser => user
2.2.P6 GMP 04Nov11 FIX "keyphrase" => "key phrase"
2.2.P7 GMP 04Nov11 DONE
2.2.P8 GMP 04Nov11 DONE
2.2.I3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.P9 GMP 04Nov11 FIX ,so far, looks => will look
2.2.I4 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.P10 GMP 04Nov11 FIX The list of question types needs to be introduced.
2.2.P7 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.I5 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.P11 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE
2.2.1 GMP 04Nov11 FIX Would "True/False Answers" be a better title?
2.2.1.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.1.I1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.1.P2 GMP 290ct04 FIX Rephrase last portion of the paragraph... used as the answer type for this question unless the user changes the answer type later on.
2.2.2 GMP 04Nov11 FIX [title]
2.2.2.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE
2.2.2.P1 GMP 04Nov11 FIX What do you mean by setting the question's "answer type."
2.2.2.I1 GMP 04Nov11 FIX Answerwindow => Answer window
2.2.2.P2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.P3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.P3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.I3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.P4 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.I4 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.P5 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.I5 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.P6 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.2.P7 GMP 04Nov11 FIX What is a question's "default answer type?"
2.2.3 GMP 04Nov11 FIX [title]
2.2.3.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE
2.2.3.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.3.I1 GMP 04Nov11 FIX Answerwindow => Answer window
2.2.3.P2 GMP 04Nov11 FIX cricle => circle, combnation => combination
2.2.3.P3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE
2.2.3.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.3.P4 GMP 04Nov11 FIX Is their a way to set the weight of each missed answer or is the question points divided evenly into the number of possible correct answers?
2.2.3.P5 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.3.I3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.3.P6 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.3.P7 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.4 GMP 04Nov11 FIX [title]
2.2.4.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.4.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.4.I1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.4.P2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.4.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.4.P3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5 GMP 04Nov11 FIX [title]
2.2.5.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.I1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.P2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.P3 GMP 04Nov11 FIX limts => limits
2.2.5.P4 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.P5 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.P6 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.P7 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.I3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.P8 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.I4 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.5.P9 GMP 04Nov11 FIX returing => returning
2.2.6 GMP 04Nov11 FIX [title]
2.2.6.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.6.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.6.I1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.6.P2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.6.P3 GMP 04Nov11 FIX 1. It might be simpler to have the grading script take input from standard input. Does the script's response need to include the total number of points possible for the question? The test should already know that value.
2. temprary => temporary
2.2.6.P4 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.6.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.6.P5 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.6.P6 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.7 GMP 04Nov11 FIX [title]
2.2.7.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.7.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.7.I1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.7.P2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.7.P3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.7.P4 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.7.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.7.P5 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.7.P6 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.8 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.8.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.8.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.8.I1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.8.P2 GMP 04Nov11 FIX "The element is treated much like text it." ???
2.2.8.P3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.8.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.8.P4 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.8.I3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.8.P5 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.9 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.9.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.9.P1 GMP 04Nov11 FIX finishing => finished (first sentence)
2.2.10 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.10.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.10.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.10.I1 GMP 04Nov11 FIX Add a few more questions in the Bank example.
2.2.10.P2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.10.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.10.P3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.11 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.11.A1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.11.P1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.11.I1 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.11.P2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.11.I2 GMP 04Nov11 DONE  
2.2.11.P3 GMP 04Nov11 DONE