Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.3.8.P1 JCH 27nov05 DONE
2.3.8.I1 JCH 27nov05 DONE  
2.3.8.P2 JCH 27nov05 FIX "they" => "he/she"
2.3.8.I2 JCH 27nov05 DONE  
2.3.8.P3 JCH 27nov05 FIX Done is not what is pressed to sync. Press To Server, From Server, or Both
2.3.8.I3 JCH 27nov05 DONE  
2.3.8.P4 JCH 27nov05 DONE
2.3.8.I4 JCH 27nov05 DONE DONE
2.3.8.P5 JCH 27nov05 DONE