Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4.1 BR 10/21/05 FIX make heading <H2>, links at bottom
2.4.1P1 BR 10/21/05 Done  
2.4.1P2 BR 10/21/05 Done  
2.4.1I1 BR 10/21/05 FIX Include image in text
2.4.1I2 BR 10/21/05 FIX Include image in text
2.4.1P3 BR 10/21/05 Done  
2.4.1P4 BR 10/21/05 FIX Show GUI with radio buttons that you speak of
2.4.1P5 BR 10/21/05 Done  
2.4.1I3 BR 10/21/05 FIX Include image in text