Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
1 JCH 10/28/05 Done Looks good. Not sure if it is a pedagog example
1.1 JCH 10/28/05 Fix HTML embedded in bottom of page.
1.2 JCH 10/28/05 Fix multi user DB ---> question database. No GUI for question database?
1.3 JCH 10/28/05 Fix revise first sentence. second alternative is redundant. Run on sentence in second paragraph. Revise some of the wording.
1.4 JCH 10/28/05 Done Looks good
1.5 JCH 10/28/05 Fix Each of these systems --> these systems.
1.5.1 JCH 10/28/05 Fix Typo in second sentence. Text edit --> text editor.
1.5.2 JCH 10/28/05 Done Looks good.
1.5.3 JCH 10/28/05 Fix professor and his tests --> professor and his/her tests. missing word --> fill-in-the-blank. mentions no skipping questions twice.
1.5.4 JCH 10/28/05 Done Looks Good
1.5.5 JCH 10/28/05 Done Covers the basics. If you have spare time some more in depth review would be nice.
1.5.6 JCH 10/28/05 Fix remove diploma stars and replace with "No*" and have * explained at the bottom as "Declined to comment. Assumed to be No."