Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4.3 KC 11/03/05 FIX Fix title bar; 2.4.3, not 2.3.4; add navigation links at bottom of page
2.4.3P1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Use bold pattern when referring to interfaces in the program
2.4.3I1 KC 11/03/05 FIX bckgrd color, sec -> minutes, add other preferences, add all window buttons in top right
2.4.3P2 KC 11/03/05 DONE
2.4.3P3 KC 11/03/05 FIX Not ever use "not ever"...
2.4.3P4 KC 11/03/05 DONE

Note: If a test cannot be created using these prefs, a warning message will be displayed, and whatever test the program can generate will be displayed.  Refer reader to the Test Errors page