Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Make sub-section hyperlinks a separate page
2.1P1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Use present tense
2.1I1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Wrong bckgrd color, no window resize
2.1.1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Separate HTML doc
2.1.1I1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Mode Menu? Bckgrd color, window buttons
2.1.1P1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Turn description of menus into paragraph form rather than listing features, label figures
2.1.1I2 KC 11/03/05 FIX Mode Menu? Bckgrd color, label figure
2.1.1I3 KC 11/03/05 FIX Mode Menu? Bckgrd color, label figure
2.1.1I4 KC 11/03/05 FIX Mode Menu? Bckgrd color, label figure
2.1.1I5 KC 11/03/05 FIX Mode Menu? Bckgrd color, label figure, Question menu adds to QDB as the customer wanted...
2.1.2P1 KC 11/03/05 FIX  ... == ellipses
2.1.2I1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Light blue menu bar? Label figure, re-describe functionality
2.1.2I1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Light blue menu bar? Label figure, re-describe functionality
2.1.2I1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Light blue menu bar? Label figure, re-describe functionality
2.1.2I1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Light blue menu bar? Label figure
2.1.2I1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Light blue menu bar? Label figure, re-describe functionality
2.1.3P1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Paragraph form
2.1.3I1 KC 11/03/05 FIX Poor quality
2.1.3I2 KC 11/03/05 FIX Poor quality
2.1.4P1 KC 11/03/05 DONE