Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.3.4 BE 11/14/05 DONE  
2.3.4P1 BE 11/14/05 FIX refer to figure
2.3.4I1 BE 11/14/05 DONE  
2.3.4P2 BE 11/14/05 FIX "into the text box, no answer " to "into the text box.  No answer "
2.3.4I2 BE 11/14/05 DONE  
2.3.4P3 BE 11/14/05 DONE  
2.3.4I3 BE 11/14/05 DONE  
2.3.4P4 BE 11/14/05 DONE  

-In figure labeling, only the first word needs to be capitalized, same for all of your files.

-indent paragraphs