Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.5 BE 11/14/05 DONE
2.5P1 BE 11/14/05 FIX bold not ""
2.5P2 BE 11/14/05 FIX Distribute Test button, not "distributing"
2.5I1 BE 11/14/05 FIX Needs to be a button for select test, it shouldn't only be in the menu. for ease of use.
2.5I2 BE 11/14/05 DONE
2.5.1P3 BE 11/14/05 FIX get rid of all of these sections one section is enough to cover all these topics.

bold not ""

2.5.2P4 BE 11/14/05 FIX rid of section.

bold  not ""

"have a separate response files (  )" or "have a separate responses file (  )"

responses could possibly be replaced with response, for clarity

2.5.2I3 BE 11/14/05 DONE  
2.5.3P5 BE 11/14/05 FIX bold not ""

"distribute" the test ? no need for quotations.

(See also the "Taking a Test" section 2.6) - put section

2.5.4P6 BE 11/14/05 FIX figure 6 - capitalize
2.5.4I4 BE 11/14/05 DONE  
2.5.4P7 BE 11/14/05 FIX bold not ""
2.5.4P8 BE 11/14/05 FIX present tense no will - about 5-6 cases
2.5.4I5 BE 11/14/05 FIX Need to show a test with the status showing "paused"
2.5.4P9 BE 11/14/05 FIX "after having clicked" - active voice, present tense
2.5.4I6 BE 11/14/05 DONE

General Notes:

-bold not ""

-Figure 1 to Figure 2.5.1

-No need for sections within sections, confusing and unnecessary.

-A lot of future tense and a few instances of passive voice.