1.3. Operational Setting

TestTool is to be used, primarily in the bounds of the Cal Poly Computer Science department, to help professors save time creating and grading tests. Though, there is nothing in TestTool that prevents it from expanding its scope to other departments in Cal Poly, or even other universities.

Tests are built through the teacher TestTool interface. A teacher connects to the shared question database with the teacher TestTool interface, and then builds a test. Once a test is built, it is saved to an offline medium, which can be brought to a testing room.

The system administrators in the Computer Science department are responsible for installing TestTool on all of the machines in a designated testing room. All of the students taking the test, open the TestTool application, and wait for the proctor to digitally hand out their test through a teacher version of the TestTool (This is to be installed on the teacher computer in every test room). For the duration of the test, the test room will be disconnected from the outside world. Only users in the test room have access to the test. Handing the test is is done by retransmitting the test to the proctor's workstation, where it can be securely copied on to a offline medium.

The proctor and/or teacher then loads the tests on any computer with the teacher version of the TestTool. Through this interface, the proctor/teacher grades the tests, and then posts individual test grades to a network server, where students view their grades.

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