3.1 System Performance

The Teacher UI of Test Tool will take up to a minute to load. After the Teacher UI has completely loaded, the user of the program can create a new test, import/export questions from a database, Proctor an already made test or grade an already taken.

When making a new test, the user may ask for a test to be generated with hundreds of questions. The time required for the system to generate the test is on the order of 5 minutes.

When the user of the Teacher UI wishes to proctor a test, open or grade a test, they are asked to select a test file from disk. Opening this file takes up to 15 seconds, depending on the number of questions the test contains. Customizing an already generated test is effectively instantaneous.

The question database can consist of several thousand questions. All operations done on the database are immediately completed, with the exception of importing and exporting questions. Importing/exporting questions takes up to a minute, based on the size of the database.

The underlying authentication system will decide the number of people in a proctored class section. Test Tool operates smoothly as long as the number is below 900. From the proctor overview screen, handing a test out to a class will be immediate, when network overhead is not considered.
All actions performed inside the grader are immediate, with the exception of running grading scripts on code questions. When switching to code questions, the Test Tool will wait until the grading script exits. The time needed for the grading script to run is not known to Test Tool.

Loading the Student UI for the Test Tool takes up to a minute. After the Student UI has completely loaded, the student authenticates and select a test. After selecting a test, the Test Tool takes up to 10 seconds to load the test. With the exception of network delay, every other action will happen effectively instantaneous.






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