3.1. Performance Requirements

The following section details the performance requirements of the Testtool application.  The section uses the term "instant" to  mean quick enough that the user in unaware of any computational latency.  All  other performance requirements are made per orders of magnitude and assume a standard operating environment where the entire process is loaded into memory.  Any performance issues related to resource sharing are beyond the topic of this document unless specifically stated otherwise.

3.1.1. Database Operations

The following are the performance requirements of all database and question management operations.  Database operations assume that the database in question resides on the user's local machine; network latency should be considered sperately.

Instant Operations Order of Seconds

3.1.2. Test Generation Operations

The following section covers the performance requirements of the all operations associated with test generation.

Instant operations Order of Seconds Order of Tens of Seconds

3.1.3. Test Taking Operations

The following section covers the performance requirements of the all operations available to students taking a test.

Instant operations Order of Seconds

3.1.4. Grading Operations

The following section covers the performance requirements of the all operations associated with grading a test.

Instant operations Order of Seconds All other performance consideration are left to the implementors.  

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