Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.2.1P1 JE 03DEC07 DONE  
2.2.1A1 JE 03DEC07 DONE  
2.2.1P2 JE 03DEC07 DONE  
2.2.1P2 JE 03DEC07 DONE From week 8: Which question database? How do they select it?
New: address the above if you can think of way to do it but I think it's fairly clear.
2.2.1P3 JE 03DEC07 FIX Watch out for 3rd person, active voice, prose
"user clicking" -> "user clicks the ... button to add..."
"after the user has entered several questions" -> "with several questions."
fix last sentence, active voice
2.2.1A2 JE 03DEC07 DONE  
2.2.1I1 JE 03DEC07 DONE  
2.2.1I2 JE 03DEC07 DONE  
2.2.1P4 JE 03DEC07 DONE  
2.2.1I3 JE 03DEC07 DONE  
2.2.1P5 JE 03DEC07 FIX From week 8: Update discussion of filtering to refer to the filtering section and only go over the use case
New: Repeat, only go over use case. Replace this paragraph with a See Filtering section link
2.2.1I4 JE 03DEC07 DONE  
2.2.1P6 JE 03DEC07 FIX Put earlier in the use case