Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.3.2 P1 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 A1 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 A2 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 P2 JE 06DEC07 FIX
"will give" -> "gives"
2.3.2 A1 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 A2 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 P3 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 P4 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 I1 JE 06DEC07 FIX Still missing label on Type menu
2.3.2 P5 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 I2 JE 06DEC07 FIX label
2.3.2 P6 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 I3 JE 06DEC07 FIX Sumary -> Summary
Where did the filters come from?
2.3.2 P7 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 P8 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 I4 JE 06DEC07 FIX Sumary->Summary
2.3.2 P9 JE 06DEC07 FIX May want to make a link to something that explains how to hide/unhide palettes
2.3.2 A3 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 I5 JE 06DEC07 FIX From week 8: change question so they are not duplicates
Sumary -> Summary
2.3.2 P10 JE 06DEC07 DONE "they" -> "he/she"
"the user would like" -> "the user wants"
"drags the question that want to remove" -> "that he/she wants to..."
What happens if the question they select won't fit with the given parameters? Reject it? Override?
2.3.2 A4 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 P11 JE 06DEC07 FIX Remove last sentence
2.3.2 A5 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.2 I6 JE 06DEC07 FIX "sumary" -> "summary"
2.3.2 P12 JE 06DEC07 FIX See note for last paragraph in previous section