Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.3.3 P1 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.3 A1 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.3 A2 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.3 P2 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.3 A3 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.3 P4 JE 06DEC07 DONE "gestures to generate..." -> "clicks on..."
2.3.3 P5 JE 06DEC07 FIX "Figure ?" -> "Figure 1"
2.3.3 I1 JE 06DEC07 FIX Type label
2.3.3 P6 JE 06DEC07 FIX Address TODO item
"and" what?
2.3.3 A4 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.3 I2 JE 06DEC07 FIX Make image
2.3.3 P7 JE 06DEC07 FIX Address TODO item
Update link! (actually you will have to bug the Question management person to update their stuff first)
2.3.3 A5 JE 06DEC07 FIX This is a link to the old 2.2.2 section. This is now contained in a subsection of 2.2.3 which should be updated to 2.2.2
2.3.3 P8 JE 06DEC07 FIX figure numbering
2.3.3 I3 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.3 P9 JE 06DEC07 FIX "databse" -> "database"
2.3.3 I4 JE 06DEC07 DONE  
2.3.3 P10 JE 06DEC07 FIX Same note about saving the filepath