Component Inspector Date Status Comment
2.2.1 DAC OCT262007 FIX Need to update with screenshots and related discussions from ui freeze
2.2.1P1 DAC OCT262007 DONE
2.2.1P2 DAC OCT262007 DONE
2.2.1P3 DAC OCT262007 FIX
Update discussion of filtering to refernec filtering section and only go over the use case
2.2.1P4 DAC OCT262007 DONE
2.2.1P5 DAC OCT262007 FIX Update to reference to UI main palette discussion rather than repeat it.
2.2.1P6 DAC OCT262007 DONE
2.2.1I1 DAC OCT262007 FIX
Add buttons form ui_freeze
2.2.1I2 DAC OCT262007 FIX Remove menu and update other palettes