Component Inspector Date Status Comment
2.3.2 BP 05NOV07 DONE
2.3.2P1 BP 05NOV07 DONE
2.3.2A1 BP 05NOV07 DONE
2.3.2A2 BP 05NOV07 DONE
2.3.2P2 BP 05NOV07 FIX Address TODO item
2.3.2P3 BP 05NOV07 DONE
2.3.2A3 BP 05NOV07 DONE
2.3.2A4 BP 05NOV07 DONE
2.3.2P4 BP 05NOV07 DONE
2.3.2P5 BP 05NOV07 FIX Figure numbering
2.3.2I1 BP 05NOV07 FIX Figure numbering; type dropdown needs label
2.3.2P6 BP 05NOV07 FIX Figure numbering
2.3.2I2 BP 05NOV07 FIX Figure numbering; type dropdown needs label
2.3.2P7 BP 05NOV07 FIX Figure numbering
2.3.2I3 BP 05NOV07 FIX Figure numbering
2.3.2P8 BP 05NOV07 FIX Use present tense: "will lock" => "locks"
2.3.2P9 BP 05NOV07 FIX Sentence 4: "session" => "section", "new Section" => "New Section"; Sentence 5: "ucer" => "user", the sentence is worded unclearly
2.3.2I4 BP 05NOV07 FIX Figure numbering
2.3.2P10 BP 05NOV07 FIX Use of "they" inconsistent with previous use of "he/she" for third-person singular; Spelling error: "faccilitate" => "facilitate"; Use present tense: "list will fill" => "list fills"; Unclear what is meant by "less than or equal to 3"
2.3.2A5 BP 05NOV07 FIX Link broken. Filtering is in 2.1.ui, not 2.3.generation
2.3.2I5 BP 05NOV07 FIX Figure numbering
2.3.2P11 BP 05NOV07 FIX Uses of "they" inconsistent with previous use of "he/she"; Address TODO item; Use present tense: "list will fill" => "list fills"; Missing word in sentence 6
2.3.2P12 BP 05NOV07 FIX Uses of "they" inconsistent with previous use of "he/she"; Address TODO item; Use present tense: "list will fill" => "list fills"; Use of only "he" in sentence 6
2.3.2I6 BP 05NOV07 FIX Figure numbering
2.3.2P13 BP 05NOV07 FIX Uses of "they" inconsistent with previoius use of "he/she"