Inspection Report

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.5 BK 28oct09 FIX title should match index.html
2.5 P1 BK 28oct09 DONE  
2.5 I1 BK 28oct09 DONE  
2.5 I2 BK 28oct09 DONE  
2.5 P2 BK 28oct09 DONE  
2.5 I3 BK 28oct09 DONE  
2.5 P3 BK 28oct09 DONE  
2.5 A1 BK 28oct09 FIX 'prev' should link to 2.4
2.5 A2 BK 28oct09 FIX 'next' should link to 2.6
2.5 A3 BK 28oct09 FIX 'up' should link to functional.html
2.5 A4  BK28oct09 FIX 'top' should link to our index