Inspection Report

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.3.1 MFR23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 P1 MFR 23Nov09 FIX would add to adds, "The instructor adds all questions using the Add A Question interface."
2.3.1 I1 MFR 23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 P2 MFR 23Nov09 FIX In the keyword section: "The instructor populates this box...", will allow to allows
The last two sentences might look like "The instructor expands the details section of the interface by selecting a question type and then clicking the Details label. The interface then displays additional question properties."
2.3.1 P3 MFR 23Nov09 FIX Rephrase without using the phrase "wishes to include", can copy and paste to copies and pastes, must be located to are located
2.3.1 P4 MFR 23Nov09 FIX will vary to vary
2.3.1 P5 MFR 23Nov09 FIX is for generating to generates
2.3.1 I2 MFR 23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 P6 MFR 23Nov09 FIX can type to types, indicate to indicates
2.3.1 I3 MFR 23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 P7 MFR 23Nov09 FIX is for generating to generates
2.3.1 I4 MFR 23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 P8 MFR 23Nov09 FIX will be graded to is graded, is for generating to generates
2.3.1 I5 MFR 23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 P9 MFR 23Nov09 FIX will contain to contains, will receive to receives, is for generating to generates
2.3.1 I6 MFR 23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 P10 MFR 23Nov09 FIX students will have to students have, instructor will have to instructor has, can grade to grades, is for generating to generates
I believe the directories/file are in the script, right?
2.3.1 I7 MFR 23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 P11 MFR 23Nov09 FIX is for generating to generates
2.3.1 I8 MFR 23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 P12 MFR 23Nov09 FIX replace to the instructor replaces, will appear to appears, would be inputted to is inputted
2.3.1 A1 MFR 23Nov09 FIX I thought we stopped using this page
2.3.1 A2 MFR 23Nov09 DONE  
2.3.1 A3 MFR 23Nov09 DONE