5.2. Edit Menu (edit.rsl)

(* Chris Noe  *)
(* describe the actions and objects of the edit menu of testtool *)
module Edit;

  from Test import Test;
  export UserWorkSpace, Clipboard, Selection, SelectionContext;

  object UserWorkSpace is
    components: test:Test and previous_state:PreviousState and
	clipboard:Clipboard and selection:Selection and context:SelectionContext;
    description: (*
        The UserWorkSpace contains the active test upon which the user is
        working. The Test component contains the active test. The previous_state
	component is used to support one level of command undo.
        The Clipboard is used with the Edit cut, copy, and paste operations.

  object PreviousState is
    components: test:Test;
    description: (*
        PreviousState is the snapshot of the test before the most
        recently performed test operation.  Any operations that modify the
	test must save the previous state to support Undo.
  end PreviousState;

  object Clipboard is
    components: string;
    description: (* The clipboard holds a selection of cut or copied text.  *);
  end Clipboard;

  object Selection is
    components: start_position:integer and end_position:integer and
    description: (*
        The workspace text selection is the defined as the starting and ending
        character positions in current workspace text context.
  end Selection;

  object SelectionContext is
    components: string;
    description: (*
        SelectionContext is the text context in which the user makes a
  end SelectionContext;

  operation EditUndo is
    inputs: uws:UserWorkSpace;
    outputs: uws':UserWorkSpace;

    description: (*
        Undo the most recent scheduling operation.  Only one level of undo/redo
        is specified here.  Successive invocations of undo toggle between the
        current and previous states of the calendar.  Note that the calendar
        editing operations support undo by saving a snapshot of the input
        calendar in the previous_state component of the workspace.

        (* * The previous saved test state is not nil.  *)
        (uws.previous_state.test != nil);

        (* * Swap the current and previous states of the test *)
        (uws'.previous_state.test = uws.test) and
        (uws.test = uws.previous_state.test);

  end EditUndo;

  operation EditCut is
    inputs: uws:UserWorkSpace;
    outputs: uws':UserWorkSpace;

    description: (*
        The currently selected text segment is copied into the clipboard and
        removed from its context.  The workspace selection in set to empty.

         * The selection is not empty.
        uws.selection != nil;

         * The clipboard of the output workspace equals the selection.  The
         * selection context of the output workspace has the selection removed.
         * The selection of the output workspace is nil.
        (uws'.clipboard = uws.context[


        (uws'.context = uws.context[1:uws.selection.start_position-1] +


        (uws'.selection = nil);

  end EditCut;

  operation EditCopy is
    inputs: uws:UserWorkSpace;
    outputs: uws':UserWorkSpace;

    description: (*
        The currently selected text segment is copied into the clipboard;

         * The selection is not empty.
        uws.selection != nil;

         * The clipboard of the output workspace equals the selection.  The
         * context and selection of the output workspace are unchanged.
        (uws'.clipboard = uws.context[


        (uws'.context = uws.context)


        (uws'.selection = uws.selection);

  end EditCopy;

  operation EditPaste is
    inputs: uws:UserWorkSpace;
    outputs: uws':UserWorkSpace;

    description: (*
        Paste the contents of the clipboard into the currently selected
        start position, replacing any selected text from start to end position.

         * The clipboard is not empty.
        uws.clipboard != nil;

         * The context in the output workspace is the string consiting of
         * everything up to the selection, followed by the clipboard, followed
         * by everything after the selection.  The selection of the output
         * workspace is nil and the clipboard is unchanged.
        (uws'.context = uws.context[1:uws.selection.start_position-1] +
                        uws.clipboard +


        (uws'.selection = nil)


        (uws'.clipboard = uws.clipboard);

  end EditPaste;

  operation EditDelete is
    inputs: uws:UserWorkSpace;
    outputs: uws':UserWorkSpace;

    description: (*
        The currently selected text is removed from the context.  The workspace
        selection in set to empty.

         * The selection is not empty.
        uws.selection != nil;

         * The selection context of the output workspace has the selection
         * removed.  The selection of the output workspace is nil.
        (uws'.context = uws.context[1:uws.selection.start_position-1] +


        (uws'.selection = nil);

  end EditDelete;
end Edit;

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