2.3. Adding a Question to the Database




Status Remarks
2.3. DM 29apr04 FIX Title and Section name are not consistant. Be sure to follow capitalization guidelines in template.html. Change to: "2.3. Adding a Question to the Database". Also, follow the <h3>Title</h3> format.
2.3.P1 DM 29apr04 FIX "test question bank" => "test question database". Also, use "intructor" instead of "professor"
2.3.P2 DM 29apr04 FIX First sentance is unlcear...what toolbar?
2.3.I1 DM 29apr04 FIX Follow conventions for labeling an image. Place figure number under image, with a brief description.
2.3.A1 DM 29apr04 FIX Be sure to link all sub-sections within the first section's document. Example: link sections 2.3.1. and 2.3.2. within section 2.3.
2.3.A2 DM 29apr04 FIX Links missing between previous, next, up, and top.
2.3.1. DM 29apr04 FIX Title and Section name are not consistant. Be sure to follow capitalization guidelines in template.html. Change to: "2.3.1. Setting Question Properties ". Also, follow the <h3>Title</h3> format.
2.3.1.P1 DM 29apr04 FIX Replace all "<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">'text'<font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">" with "<tt>'text'</tt>. We may need to rethink this dialog to make it more approachable.
2.3.1.P2DM 29apr04 FIX "column not changeable" => "column is not changeable"
2.3.1.P3 DM 29apr04 FIX Be consistant with using numbers or text in regards to question difficulty. Use "1" or "one", not both. Remove hotlink, should be in section 2.3.
2.3.1.P4 DM 29apr04 FIX The question entering text field needs to be rethought. Try working with examples used in the Calendar tool, such as setting up an Appointment.
2.3.1.I1 DM 29apr04 FIX Follow conventions for labeling an image. Place figure number under image, with a brief description. Also, replace italized text, it is too hard to read.
2.3.1.A1 DM 29par04 DONE None
2.3.2.DM 29apr04 FIX Follow the <h3>Title</h3> format.
2.3.2.P1 DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.3.2.I1 DM 29apr04 FIX Re-crop image to better fit in space. Also, follow conventions for labeling an image. Place figure number under image, with a brief description.
2.3.2.P2 DM 29apr04 FIX Need to have an image describing what is going on in this paragraph.
2.3.2.P3 DM 29apr04 FIX Need to have an image describing what is going on in this paragraph. Also, rethink how question tyes are displayed, since it seems like most will be crowded into too small spaces.
2.3.2.P4 DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.3.2.I2 DM 29apr04 FIX Re-crop image to better fit in space. Also, follow conventions for labeling an image. Place figure number under image, with a brief description. Also, replace italized text, it is too hard to read.
2.3.2.A1 DM 29apr04 FIX Follow capitalization guidelines in links. Also, "none" => "[None]"