2.1. User Interface Overview




Status Remarks
2.1. DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.1.P1 DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.1.I1 DM 29apr04 FIX Red underline under "misspelled" words should not be in image, try a print preview before capturing image.
2.1.P2 DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.1.I2 DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.1.P3 DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.1.P4 DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.1.P5 DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.1.P6 DM 29apr04 DONE None
2.1.P7 DM 29apr04 FIX Database properties need to be entered, replacing: "(XXX: which are?)."
2.1.I2 DM 29par04 FIX Include image(s) with question type-specific infomation.
2.1.P8 DM 29apr04 FIX Reference to Blackboard in paragraph 5 should be removed.
2.1.I3 DM 29apr04 FIX Image missing or broken.
2.1.A1 DM 29apr04 DONE None