This introductory scenario shows a teacher overviewing the database of questions. This is a common feature for the Test Tool. In the screenshots below, a pre-filled database has been shown to give an idea of what the database would look like after questions have been added. A blank database will simply have no questions in it, and appear to just be a giant blank box underneath the menus.

To view the database, the user selects the Show item in the Database menu, whereupon the system displays the screen shown in Figure

Figure Main Database Screen, Empty

An overview of what is seen, from top down then left to right:

Each of the columns can be rearranged via drag and drop to fit the user's liking. Also, clicking on the header of each column (ex. Time Allowed) will switch between sorting the questions in ascending order based on this value, descending order based on this value, or no sorting (returning to default sort, explained next). By default, if no column is being sorted, the database will be ordered by most recently added, with the most recently added question placed at the top of the database.

Figure shows an example of a filled in database.

Filled in Database

Figure Main Database Screen Filled In

Figure shows the example database after all add, edit, and delete actions are preformed, as seen in sections 2.2.2, 2.2.3, and 2.2.4 respectively..

Filled in Database

Figure Main Database Screen After all Actions