Overall, ExamBuilder provides a decent level of functionality that runs in a web browser,
but it does not support programming and short-answer/essay questions.
- used in a web browser, and thus is cross platform
- question pool, that allows instructor to categorize questions into similar topics
- randomization, instructor sets the number of each type from each question pool
- simple and intuitive interface
- same website for both students and instructor
- individual randomization of question order to each student
- export of reports into PDF or Excel files
- ExamBuilder will customize products to certain companies demands
- built more for industry(training) uses, rather than education
- requires internet at all times you are using it
- pricey for an individual to purchase
- can only be run using their host, cannot be put onto a local(intranet) server
- lack of essay/short answer support
- lack of coding environment
- lack of consentual sharing between multiple instructors