Good Features:
Question Bank:
- Educators develop test banks(repositories) from which questions are chosen to create tests
- You may use multiple TestBanks to create student tests. Test Items may comprise of multiple choice, True/False, Fill-in and/or essay types. Multiple choice test items may also have multiple answers if desired.
- Password protect your TestBanks
- Individual answer keys can be generated for each test
- You can add music, pictures, movies to any question on test
- Can create practice tests and provide detailed explanations of answers and instant student feedback
- Password protect generated tests
- Text to speech for questions available
- Can be taken on paper or over the internet
- built in timer
- Students can log in with their own password onto their own account
- Answers can be sent by email and automatically graded in seconds
- logs time, date, and login name for security
- If taken over the internet, graded in seconds
- Creates numerous reports such as: grade, test item analysis, test performance
Bad/Missing Features:
- The main shortcoming of this tool is that it does not support code questions and answers. It cannot compile a students' code response and compare its output.
- Can only generate tests by randomly choosing questions.
- Does not support a master/slave system.