The screen below will greet a student after they do a web login.

Figure 2.6.1: Student Home

Settings leads to account settings(password, reporting email, etc.)

Logout ends the current session

The calendar displays upcoming tests. After taking a test, it becomes a link to the report.

My classes tab lists currently enrolled classes which are links to class homes

Previous classes tab lists previous courses you have taken, grade reports are still available.

Class Announcements lists announcements and reminders from teachers.

The following screen pops up when the student clicks on a class page

Figure 2.6.2: Class Page

All lists all available reports regardless of type

Quizzes list all available quiz reports

Tests lists all available test reports

Calendar and class announcements are the same as before except for a specific class

The following screen pops up when the student clicks on a test

Figure 2.6.3: Grade Report

Click arrow next to test question to expand and display the question itself, correct answer, your answer, and feedback

Expand all expands all the questions