/* keywords from Appendix B.1: */ boolean else if int main void while true false /* Keywords added in Assignment 2 spec: */ float double string struct print /* Separators from Appendix B.1: */ ( ) { } ; , /* Separators added from Assignment 2 spec: */ [ ] /* Operators from Appendix B.1: */ = + - * / < <= > = == != && || ! /* Operator added from Assignment 2 spec: */ . /* Some literals (from Sections 3.10.1, 3.10.2, and 3.10.5 of Java lang spec (these were copied and pasted directly from the web page) */ 0 2 0372 0xDadaCafe 1996 0x00FF00FF 0l 0777L 0x100000000L 2147483648L 0xC0B0L 1e1f 2.f .3f 0f 3.14f 6.022137e+23f 1e1 2. .3 0.0 3.14 1e-9d 1e137 "" // the empty string "\"" // a string containing " alone "This is a string" // a string containing 16 characters "This is a " + // actually a string-valued constant expression, "two-line string" // formed from two string literals "\b\t\n\f\r\"\'\\\126\001" /**/ /* */ /** **/ /*** /* nested comment */ *****/