Turnin Procedure for CSC 330 Assignment 4

Submit the files for this assignment on or before 5PM Friday 13 May. Use the handin program on falcon/hornet.

There are two required files -- the modified ejay.cup and EJayInterpreter.java. If you do not define any additional files or modify any support files, the command to use is

handin gfisher a4 ejay.cup EJayInterpreter.java

If you do define additional files and/or modify any support files, submit the Java source code for those files as well. Also, submit a brief README file that explains what you have added and/or modified, and why. For example, if you define the classes ReturnValue and CompositeLValue (hint), then the submission command is

handin gfisher a4 ejay.cup EJayInterpreter.java ReturnValue.java CompositeLValue.java
In this case, the README would say something like "Defined ReturnValue.java and CompositeLValue.java as suggested in class".

Please note the following policy that appears in the 330 course syllabus:

If you use a home compiler to develop your programs, YOU MUST verify that the program compiles and runs on falcon/hornet before you hand it in. When you submit programs, they will be compiled and executed by a script that runs on falcon/hornet. You are responsible to ensure that your programs run the same on falcon/hornet as they do on any other computers you may use to develop the programs.