Description of Assignment 6 Testing Files

File Description
xeval-outline.l This is the shell for the xeval function, exactly as it appears on the handout for assignment 6. Copy this file into a file named xeval.l and use it as the basis for your solution.
xeval-tests.xl This is the actual test data file that your completed version of xeval should read and evaluate. See below for further details on how to read it in.
read-xeval-print.l This is the utility file for testing your xeval function interactively. Use the function defined in this file to read interactive test data while you're debugging your solution. See the comments at the top of the file for further details.
readfile-xeval-print.l This is the utility for reading the test data file when you're ready to hand in the final result. See the comments at the top of the file for further details.
xeval-test-demo This is what your correct test output script should look like, except for the comments and the exact format of the memory dump. This file was generated by running a completed version of the assignment. Regarding the memory dump (the result of the :dump directive), the format of your memory may be different than the one that appears here, but the effects must be the same, such that all of the other output results are the same as those in this demo file.

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