CSC 357, Winter 2007
Gene Fisher
Week 1:
- course syllabus -- introductory description of the course
- unix basics -- bare-essential unix commands for csc 357
- coding conventions -- standards for programming assignment code submitted in 357
- lab 1 -- getting started with unix and c
- programming assignment 1 -- sfmt, a simpler text formatter
- program 1 testing -- test plan for programming assignment 1
- lecture notes week 1 -- introduction to the course introduction to c and unix
- lecture notes week 1, part 2 -- function declarations versus definitions; pointers and arrays in C
Week 2:
- lab 2 -- getting started with C arrays, pointers, and structs
- programming assignment 2 -- nwc, a numbered word counter
- program 2 testing -- test plan for programming assignment 2
- lecture notes week 2 -- C program structure; pointers and structs in C; dynamic memory management
Week 3:
- lab 3 -- details of C arrays, pointers, and structs; unix make
- lecture notes week 3 -- leftovers from week 2 notes; additional C language and library features
Week 4:
- programming assignment 3 -- smake, a simplified version of make
- lab 4 -- freeing memory in solution to lab 2
- lecture notes week 4 -- unbuffered file i/o; unix files and directories
Week 5:
- lab 5 -- unix compared to windows directory commands
- lecture notes week 5 -- more on files and directories; function pointers in c; standard i/o library; system data files and information
Week 6:
- midterm review
- programming assignment 4 -- sfind, a simplified find utility
- lecture notes weeks 6 and 7 -- introduction to unix processes and process control
Week 7:
- lab 6 -- getting started with fork and exec
Week 8:
- programming assignment 5 -- timer, an interactive timer program
- lab 7 -- getting started with pipes
- lecture notes week 8 -- introduction to signals and pipes
Week 9:
- programming assignment 6 -- vssh, a Very Simple Shell
- lecture notes week 9 -- additional pipe topics; additional signal topics; shells and programming assignment 6
Week 10:
- final review -- review of question topic areas for the final quiz and final exam
- lecture notes week 10 -- introduction to threads
- lecture notes week 10, part 2 -- details of thread synchronization; final exam review
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