#include "general-list.h" #include "smartall.h" /**** * * Test driver for exercising the functions of GeneralList. * */ int main() { char* intArray[] = {"1","2","3"}; // Intializing array GeneralList* listOfStrings; // Test list holding strings GeneralList* listOfIntegers; // Test list holding Integers /* * Allocate. */ listOfStrings = newGeneralList(); listOfIntegers = newGeneralListArray((char**) intArray, sizeof(intArray) / sizeof(char*)); /* * Call the constructive methods. */ putLast(putLast(putLast(listOfStrings, "x"), "y"), "z"); putFirst(putFirst(putFirst(listOfStrings, "c"), "b"), "a"); put(put(listOfStrings, "m", 3), "n", 4); set(listOfStrings, "N", 4); put(listOfIntegers, "4", 3); /* * Print out the results of the constructive methods. */ printf("\nConstruction results:\n"); printf("%s\n", toString(listOfStrings)); printf("%s\n", toString(listOfIntegers)); /* * Call the non-destructive access methods, printing out results * incrementally. */ printf( "\nFirst, last, and middle elements of string list are: %s, %s, %s\n", getFirst(listOfStrings), getLast(listOfStrings), get(listOfStrings, 3) ); /* * Call the destructive access methods, printing out results incrementally. */ printf( "\nRemoved first, last, and middle elements of string list are: "); printf("%s, ", removeFirst(listOfStrings)); printf("%s, ", removeLast(listOfStrings)); printf("%s\n", removeIth(listOfStrings, 2)); printf("String list after removals is: %s\n", toString(listOfStrings)); printf( "\nMore removed -- first, last, and middle elements of string list are: "); printf("%s, ", removeIth(listOfStrings, 0)); printf("%s, ", removeIth(listOfStrings, 3)); printf("%s\n", removeIth(listOfStrings, 1)); printf("String list after more removals is: %s\n", toString(listOfStrings)); /* * Put back some elements for utility method testing. */ put(put(put(listOfStrings, "b", 0), "N", 2), "y", 4); printf("String list after put backs: %s\n", toString(listOfStrings)); /* * Call the utility methods. */ printf( "\nResults of elementOf(\"b\"), elementOf(\"X\"), findIndex(\"N\"), findIndex(\"X\"):\n" ); printf("%s, %s, %d, %d\n", elementOf(listOfStrings, "b") ? "true" : "false", elementOf(listOfStrings, "X") ? "true" : "false", findIndex(listOfStrings, "N"), findIndex(listOfStrings, "X") ); printf("\nResults of sorting: %s\n", toString(sort(listOfStrings))); /* * Call the utility methods. */ printf( "\nResults of subList(2,3), length, isEmpty, equals, and toString:\n" ); printf("%s, %d, %s, %s, %s\n", toString(subList(listOfStrings, 2, 3)), length(listOfStrings), isEmpty(listOfStrings) ? "true" : "false", equals(listOfStrings, listOfIntegers) ? "true" : "false", toString(listOfStrings) ); /* * Do another sort. */ putLast(putLast(putLast(putLast(listOfStrings, "4"), "3"), "2"), "1"); printf("\nBefore 2nd sort: %s\n", toString(listOfStrings)); printf("Results of 2nd sort: %s\n", toString(sort(listOfStrings))); printf("\n"); /* * Have smartalloc do its thing. */ sm_dump(0); }