CSC 357 Lab 5

ISSUED: Wednesday, 2 May 2007
DUE: On or before 11:59:59PM Wednesday 9 May 2007, via handin on falcon/hornet
WEIGHT: 2% of total class grade
READING: Program 2 writeup, doxygen online documentation


  1. Read the doxygen manual, available online line at

  2. Look at the doxygen examples for CSC 357, e.g., the one for the person-record program at and for the solution to programming assignment 2

  3. Download and install doxygen on your own computer.

  4. Write and generate doxygen documentation for your solution to Programming Assignment 2 and install it in an accessible directory under your hornet account.

  5. If you want to run doxygen on hornet, it's in ~gfisher/357/bin/doxygen. If you use this version, you should still download and install doxygen on your own machine.


The concrete deliverable for this lab is the URL for the installed doxygen documentation. Submit this URL in a plain text file named "doxygen-url.txt". The contents of this file is just a single line, containing the full URL to where you installed the generated documentation for Program 2. E.g., "".

Scoring Details

See the 357 coding conventions.

Collaboration Allowed

Collaboration with a lab partner IS allowed on for general discussions of doxygen. However, collaboration on the actual generated documentation is NOT allowed, since it is for Program 2, on which collaboration is not allowed.

How to Submit the Deliverables

Submit the deliverable file doxygen-url.txt via handin to lab5.

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