CSC 402 Milestone 11

CSC 402 Milestone 11

Revised 7 December


Final Exam: 1:10 - 4PM, Wednesday 7 December
Phase 3d Requirements Release Testing: 11:59PM Friday 9 December
Phase 3d Prototype Release Testing: 11:59PM Friday 9 December
Final project deliverables: 11:59PM Friday 9 December


The release for this Milestone is the final release of the quarter. It happens during finals week.

Final Exam

Per agreement during week 9, the final exam will consist of project presentations. The exam is held 1:10pm through 4:00pm on Wednesday 7 December. The presentation schedule is as follows:

Time Presentation
1:10 - 1:20 Summary of usability testing results
1:20 - 1:30 Summary of long-term maintenance findings, and other infrastructure issues
1:30 - 1:40 Summary of client interview results, and prospects for ongoing client participation
1:40 - 1:55 Marketing report
1:55 - 2:05 Coffee break
2:05 - 2:45 Report from requirements team, including discussion of (1) major resolved issues, (2) future work issues, (3) highlights client feedback reports
2:45 - 3:00 Coffee break
3:00 - 3:50 Report from prototyping team, including discussion of (1) major resolved issues, (2) future work issues, (3) highlights of testing results
3:50 - 4:00 Wrap up, plans for next quarter

Please commit the slides for your final presentation, with a suitably mnemonic file name, in the repository directory documentation/fall-11-presentations.

Final Requirements Release

Address all of the issues brought up in the Phase 3b and 3c inspection tests. "Address" means either:

  1. Fix the sections of the walk-thru and long-form requirements where an inspection test issue was reported, -OR-

  2. Describe the issue in the "Future Work" section of the long-form requirements document, including an explanation of why the issue will not be fully addressed this quarter. The "Future Work" section is the last 2.X numbered section of the long-form requirements.

Final Prototype Release

Address all of the issues brought up in the Phase 3b and 3c acceptance tests. "Address" means either:

  1. Fix prototype functionality where an issue was reported, -OR-

  2. Describe the issue in the file named prototype/future-work.html, including an explanation of why the issue will not be fully addressed this quarter.

Major Outstanding Requirements and Prototype Issues

Based on the testing done thus far, the following are the major issues that need to be resolved for the requirements and prototype releases, where "resolved" means they are not relegated to "future work":

  1. Consistency of all common features in the requirements and prototype (see the note below regarding resolution of discrepancies).

  2. A final version of the top-level UI, per the discussion on Monday 28 November.

  3. A decision on how "per-quarter" and "department-wide" data are represented to the user.

  4. Improved look and feel for the drag-and-drop schedule generation UI.

  5. A complete long-form scenario on the agreed-upon 'File' or 'Data' menu.

  6. Clarified scenario, and if possible prototype implementation of the instructor preference UI, as distinct from the scheduling administrator version of instructor preferences. "Distinct" does not mean "looks different from", it just means that a scenario clearly describes the differences between instructor versus administrative access to instructor preferences.

By agreement on 2 December, the following sentence is added to any section of the long-from requirements where there is a difference between the requirements and the prototype:

"In the event of any discrepancies between the features described in these requirements and the prototype UI, the requirements are considered to be the definitive description."
This definitive description is for the end Fall quarter, and is subject to further negotiation in Winter quarter.


The Phase 3d release will be made at 5PM on Wednesday 7 December. This is the release on which the milestone testing is performed. Phase 3d testing will not happen on any changes made to the deliverables between 5PM Wednesday 7 December and 11:59PM Friday 9 December.

7 December Update: As of 9AM on 7 December, the response rate on testing for Phases 3b and 3c is low. If you have not performed the testing on one or more of previous releases, you can make up for this by performing a test on all sections of the long-form requirements, and all functionality of the prototype, by 11:59PM Friday 9 December. This will be the same amount of work as you would have performed if you had done the testing incrementally for Milestones 8, 9, 10, and 11.

As discussed in during lectures, the presence of absence of testing can be the difference between an 'A' and a 'B' in the class.

Self Evaluation

Please provide a summary of your accomplishments this quarter, in a file named fall-summary.html. Commit the file to your user-id directory under administration/self/UID/.