CSC 402 Milestone 3
The team-specific tasks for the Milestone 3 are the following:
Using the scenario methodology discussed in CSC 308 Lecture Notes 1-3, produce UI pictures and accompanying narrative for the core features of the scheduler tool. The target audience for these scenarios is comprised primarily of the outside clients who will have been interviewed by the end of Week 3. If you have any particular ideas about the delivery format for these scenarios, we will discuss them in class during week 3.
Here are a couple examples of what I would call "particular ideas" in this area:
Store the scenarios in requirements/*.html.
The interview script handout describes the specific work to do.
Store the transcripts in requirements/interviews/DEPT/*.html
For 308 Milestone 1, each class member did a simple review of an existing scheduling software product. The 402 task is to collate all of these reviews, where "collate" means:
Copy the reviews from the five 308 team librarian directories librarianprojects/work/scheduler/requirements/*-review.html, for librarian = rmckelvi, sdthai, keli, mhenry02, and nalereza. Store the reviews in requirements/PRODUCT-review.html. Use "-a,b,c" root file name suffix if more than one review per product.
Tune up the app-based prototype to remove fully non-functioning features. Also, make it "fail soft", in that catches all exceptions, and produces a user-meaningful message before returning to the main UI of the tool.
Build a proof-of-concept web-based prototype.
Move the app-based prototype from the implementation directory to the prototype directory. Store the web-based view code in prototype/scheduler/*_webui packages.
Describe how each of the prototypes will be deployed to the clients (who are interested in and willing to use them). Address practical pros and cons of app-based versus web-based formats.
Store the white paper in deploy/prototype/plan.html.
Produce an approximately five-page planning white paper on the nature of product marketing for the Scheduling tool, including product branding and identity. The branding aspects includes project name and logo. Consider if we should outsource this work to GRC, e.g., in the form of a student project.
Store the white paper in requirements/marketing/plan.html.
Produce an approximately five-page planning white paper on the nature of usability testing for the Scheduling tool, including use of the lab in 14-257. Address the issues and questions in the meeting minutes from the Kurfess meeting from 28 September, in administration/minutes/usability-28sep11.html.
Store the white paper in testing/usability/plan.html.
Produce an approximately two-page planning white paper on alternatives for long-term maintenance of the Scheduling tool. Consider these possibilities for how the project will be maintained beyond Spring 2012:
Store the white paper in deploy/maintenance/plan.html.
Present to class on Friday.