CSC 402 Milestone 4
There is one class-wide task for Milestone 4. It is an inspection test of the Phase 1 requirements deliverable. Details below.
The team-specific tasks for the Milestone 4 are a continuation of those begin in Milestone 3, with necessary appropriate adjustments based on recent team decisions. The tasks are the following:
By the start of class on Friday, all class members will complete an inspection test of the requirements walk-throughs. In a checked-out copy of the project, the walk-throughs are here: requirements/walk-throughs/index.html Specifically, evaluate each slide on these criteria:
For the overall presentation, evaluate with these criteria:
An inspection test template is at
You can use this HTML template, or produce your own that looks the same. If you want some further discussion of this form of inspection testing, see the 308 standard operating procedures on inspection testing.
Submit your completed inspection test report to your ID-named directory of the scheduler project repository:
Be prepared to discuss your inspection results in class on Friday.
Read the pre-release evaluations and make the necessary changes to the requirements walk-throughs. The primary specific tasks are these:
This is a continuation of the Milestone 3 task of the same title, in particular for interviews conducted during week 4. The interview script handout describes the specific work to do.
Store the transcripts in requirements/interviews/DEPT/*.html
By Friday 14 October, the requirements presentation must be entirely fit for release to the clients. This will require a thorough review by the requirements team itself, as well as the full class. The plan is for the requirements team to have the final draft prepared for class review on Friday. They will present the requirements to the class, and incorporate any suggestions for improvement that can be accomplished in less than an hour or two.
The requirements that are released to the client must have addressed all of the points raised in the pre-release evaluation. The released requirements MUST BE GOOD.
This is a continuation of Milestone 3 task of the same title, now modified to have abandoned the app-based prototype. Officially, Milestone 4 should have an operational prototype ready for class review by Friday 14 October. However, since the requirements are the top priority for the Phase 1 release, it is likely that we will focus all of our in-class efforts on Friday on requirements review, and not have class time available for prototype review. Therefore, it is likely that the in-class review of the prototype will be done on Monday 17 October.
This is a continuation of Milestone 3 task of the same title, with any necessary refinement to the deliverable being made.
Describe how the prototype will be deployed to the clients, who are interested in and willing to use it.
Store the white paper in deploy/prototype/plan.html.
This is a continuation of Milestone 3 task of the same title, with any necessary refinement to the deliverable being made.
Produce an approximately five-page planning white paper on the nature of product marketing for the Scheduling tool, including product branding and identity. The branding aspects includes project name and logo. Consider if we should outsource this work to GRC, e.g., in the form of a student project.
Store the white paper in requirements/marketing/plan.html.
This is a continuation of Milestone 3 task of the same title, with any necessary refinement to the deliverable being made.
Produce an approximately five-page planning white paper on the nature of usability testing for the Scheduling tool, including use of the lab in 14-257. Address the issues and questions in the meeting minutes from the Kurfess meeting from 28 September, in administration/minutes/usability-28sep11.html.
Store the white paper in testing/usability/plan.html.
This is a continuation of Milestone 3 task of the same title, with any necessary refinement to the deliverable being made.
Produce an approximately two-page planning white paper on alternatives for long-term maintenance of the Scheduling tool. Consider these possibilities for how the project will be maintained beyond Spring 2012:
Store the white paper in deploy/maintenance/plan.html.
This is a continuation of Milestone 3 task of the same title, with any necessary refinement to the deliverable being made.
Present forum tool to class on Monday, stress test on Wednesday. Prepare a brief help forum page, suitable for use by clients who are minimally familiar or unfamiliar with online forum tools.
For project scheduling, meet with teams as necessary to discuss and resolve issues.