CSC 402 Milestone 5

CSC 402 Milestone 5

Task 0: 4PM Monday 17 October
Task 3d: 11:59PM Wednesday 19 October
All Other Tasks: 11:59Pm Friday 21 October


Monday 17 October is the final day of Phase 1 pre-release. By 4PM Monday, all team edits will be done, and the product will be released to the copy editors (Fisher and Scanlon).

Monday 17 October is also the beginning of the next three-week cycle for the Phase 2 release. The overall tasks to be accomplished in this cycle are the following:

  1. Produce requirements slides incorporating all, or nearly all client feedback, with alternative presentations of key functionality.

  2. Produce a client-deployable prototype.

  3. Reconcile the requirements and prototype models 100%; integrate the requirements and prototype UIs up to 100%.

  4. Make final decision on a product name and logo.

  5. Produce a substantial drafts of the usability and marketing plans.

The team-specific tasks for the Milestone 5 are the following:

  1. Requirements Team:

    1. Analyze all client interviews and build the Feature Prioritization Matrix described in the handout of that name

    2. Decide with prototyping team how phase 2 walk-thru slides will be delivered.

  2. Prototyping Team:

    1. Produce a functioning prototype, and give a detailed demonstration of its functionality on Friday 21 October.

    2. Decide with requirements team how phase 2 walk-thru slides will be delivered.

  3. Infrastructure Team:

    1. Marketing Group: Come up with some alternative product names and logos, and present to class on Friday 21 October.

    2. Usability Group: Produce a draft usability scenario for specific UI alternatives.

    3. Core Infrastructure Group: Support requirements and prototyping teas as necessary.

    4. Management Group: Copy edit Phase 1 release, and release by 11:59 Wednesday; fine tune Milestone 6 and 7 deliverables.

Important Themes for the Phase 2 Deliverable

There are three important themes that carry through Milestones 5, 6, and 7:

  1. Providing evidence that we are addressing client needs.

  2. Being able to rapidly develop alternate UI screens.

  3. Ensuring consistency among all requirements and prototyping UIs.

Task 0: Finalize Phase 1 Deliverable

All requirements team members must have 100% of all working files committed to the repository. As of 4PM Monday 17 October, the chief copy editor will officially own all files, until the copy edit process is completed by 2PM Wednesday 19 October.

So, by 4PM Monday, requirements team members must have finished all final edits to the requirements slides. The requirements team must also fully debrief the copy editors so they understand how to produce a functioning slide presentation.

The other aspect of Task 0 is to resolve all remaining issues on the VM, so that 308 and 402 classes can migrate to the VM on Wednesday 19 October.

Task 1a: Client-Specific Requirements Analysis and Prioritization

Based on the discussion in the feature prioritization handout, produce the feature comparison matrix. Additional details of this deliverable are discussed in the Week 5 402 lecture notes.

Task 2a: Working Prototype

Produce a genuinely deployable prototype. On Friday 21 October, present the prototype's functionality in detail to the class and describe precisely how it is deployed to class members. During the presentation, 402 class members will deploy the prototype onto their various machines, and exercise its functionality.

Tasks 1b and 2b: Reconciling Requirements and Prototype

For the Phase 2 deliverable, decide on whether to (I) use the prototype for generating requirements screens, or (II) produce hand-drawn requirements screens. For the requirements team, this means determining if all current requirements screens are renderable using the prototype.

For the prototyping team, this means that during the Friday demo, you will explain why alternative (I) or (II) was chosen. Specifically, if the decision is (I), provide convincing evidence that all necessary requirements screens can be generated by the Phase 2 release date. If decision is (II), show one or more key screens that cannot be developed using the prototype in time for the Phase 2 release.

Note that it may be possible to have a hybrid of decisions (I) and (II). In such a hybrid approach, some UI screens will be generated by the prototype, while other screens will still be hand constructed by requirements team members. This approach requires very close coordination among members of the requirements and prototyping teams, such that the layout and look of prototype- generated screens is fully consistent with that of hand-constructed screens.

Task 3a: Alternative Names and Logos

Present these to the class on Monday 24 October. Lead a lively discussion.

Task 3b: Usability Scenario for Alternative UIs

There are at least four viable alternatives for displaying a course schedule. The usability group should design a concrete usability scenario into which each alternative can be plugged and analyzed. Links to good examples of each alternative follow.

Here's a version that lists how many classes there are in a time slot, then lets the user zoom in on details: " archive/308-f10/afternoon/e/requirements/ui-overall-schedule-view.php"

Here's one with a 'More ...' button that shows a pop-menu: archive/308-f09/afternoon/requirements/weekly-course- view.html#Calendar%20Mode%20of%20Weekly%20Course%20Schedule

Here's one with little up/down arrows to let the user cycle through the classes scheduled at the same time (instead of a 'More ...' button and pop-up): archive/308-f07/morning/requirements/2.6_ScheduleViewing.html#F2.6.6

Here's one where the main view is a table, and the calendar-style views are just for filtering by instructors or rooms. I like the look of the main table view in this version: archive/308-f09/morning/requirements/scheduleview-main.html

Here's a table view with the classes as sections clumped kind of nice: archive/205-s04/morning/requirements/table_view.html