CSC 402 Milestone 8

CSC 402 Milestone 8

Revised 14 November


In-Class Usability Test Dress Rehearsal: Wednesday 3-4pm
Phase 3a Requirements Release Testing: 11:59PM Wednesday 16 November
Phase 3a Prototype Release Testing: 11:59PM Wednesday 16 November
Other Deliverables: Wednesday thru Friday, per details below


Per the original project plan, Phase 3 is the final project release. Starting Week 8 of the quarter, we will produce weekly versions of the release, components of which will be inspected by the entire class:

Friday Week 8: Release 3a, aka Milestone 8
Friday Week 9: Release 3b, aka Milestone 9
Friday Week 10: Release 3c, aka Milestone 10
Friday Week 11: Release 3d, aka Milestone 11
Friday Finals Week: Finalized Release 3

The standard operating procedure is as follows. Note that this is an updated version of the procedure that was originally posted for this milestone:

  1. Through Thursday 11:59PM, team members work on their assigned component of the project.

  2. Friday, Jonathan runs the inspection on the requirements release, Salome runs the tests on the prototype release. They commit their results to the repository by 4PM Friday.

  3. Friday, the copy editors inspect the requirements and prototype, and commit their results by 9PM Friday. If only clerical changes are necessary, that can be accomplished by 9PM Friday, the client release will be made Friday at 9PM. If more substantial changes are necessary, they will be through 2PM on the following Monday.

  4. The full class will test the release through 11:59PM the following Wednesday. Results are committed to the user-id directories under testing/requirments/phaseX/UID/ and testing/prototype/phaseX/UID/, for X = 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d. These testing subdirectories have all been created, so do an 'svn update' to get them in your own working project.

Usability Testing

From 3 to 4PM Wednesday 9 November, Eric Fong will lead a dress rehearsal of the usability testing to be performed by CSC 308 student during Week 9 of the quarter. All 402 students will participate in the rehearsal.

Phase 3a Requirements Release

  1. Update the slides to be fully consistent with the prototype.

  2. Finish the feature prioritization by 3PM Wednesday 9 November.

  3. Finish the detailed requirements scenarios that should have been released with Milestone 8.

  4. Solidify the specific requirements sections to be completed by each team requirements team member.

Phase 3a Prototype Release

  1. Update screens to be fully consistent with the requirements.

  2. Respond to comments in class-wide defect tests, and client evaluations.

  3. Add selected new features, details TBD Wednesday 9 November. These details were in fact determined on 9 November, with the results shown in the 'Status' column of this file:
    Do an 'svn update' to get your own copy.

Format of Requirements Inspections

The Phase 3a requirements release is here: This is the raw index that contains the slide walkthru and the longform scenarios. To get to the slide walk-through, manually edit the address bar by adding "walkthru", i.e., To get to the long-form scenarios, manually edit the address bar by adding "longform", i.e.,

Note that you don't need to checkout your own copy of the Phase 3a release, if you don't want to use up the space. If you do want to check out your own copy, the repository to use is here

For the long-form scenarios, use the inspection test procedure described here There are eight top-level areas for inspection testing -- ui overview, basic scheduling, instructors, courses, locations, scheduling details, installation, other. Each week, define and execute inspection tests for two of the areas. For the finals-week testing, run tests in all eight areas.

For the slide walk-through, use the procedure we following for previous milestones, with this template:

Format of Prototype Inspections

The Phase 3a prototype release is launched in a browser from here:

For testing the prototype functionality, use the acceptance test procedure described here There are five top-level areas for acceptance testing -- instructors, courses, locations, scheduling, miscellaneous. Each week, define and execute acceptance tests for one of the areas. Fisher will provide the test plan for the miscellaneous area. For the finals-week testing, run tests in all five areas.