CSC 405 Final Exam

Date and Time: Friday 10AM - 1PM


  1. Finals week acceptance test results.

    1. Each class member will give a 5-10 minute presentation to the rest of the class that summarizes the results of the finals week acceptance testing.

    2. During the presentations, highlight any significant problems that would hinder or preclude a successful deployment to your department's clients.

  2. Individual work accomplishments.

    1. Each class member will give a 5-10 minute presentation that summarizes this quarter's accomplishments, in your area of work

    2. Describe remaining important work to be accomplished next quarter, in your area of work.

  3. Further General Discussion.

    1. Interspersed and following the preceding presentation, we'll discuss deployment plans for next quarter.

    2. In particular, we'll focus on any critical tests that need to be accomplished before a product is deployed to the campus departments.

Details of Acceptance Testing

During finals week, you will perform the department-specific acceptance testing that has been postponed from previous weeks during the quarter. Instructions for how to do this are committed to the repository in testing/acceptance/templates/finals-week-instructions.html

To get the data for your department's Winter 2012 schedule, goto It has schedules for all departments for all three quarters of the 2011-12 academic year.

Note that an important part of department-specific acceptance testing is understanding the requirements for your department. This understanding is necessary when you consider any particular problems or deficiencies of the scheduler program that would prevent it from being successfully deployed in your department.

If you have any doubts about the requirements, read through (again) the interview transcripts for your department. They're located in the requirements/interviews subdirectories of the project. (To go to a particular department's transcript, type it's abbreviation in the browser URL.)