CSC 405 Milestone 1

CSC 405 Milestone 1

Due: Wednesday and Friday of Week 2, per deliverables details below.

Choose a section of the long-form requirements to refine

The following table lists the existing long-form requirements files and the refinements that are needed for each. On the 40205 course wiki, there is a sign-up table for these sections.

In a couple cases, one team member will have to do two sections. The sections with a relatively small amount of needed refinement are marked in the table as "easy". We will work out the details during the first class meeting, with the assignment results posted at

Section Refinements Needed
problem.html non-existent; needs to be created using text from home page of (easy)
personnel.html needs a few sentences of explanatory text before each table (easy)
setting.html non-existent; needs to be created with (1) a list of each department with whom an interview was conducted; (2) a description of the physical computer setting for a typical department, with reference to details in Section 2.7 (easy)
impacts.html 1.4.1 needs to move to 1.3; other subsections need department-specific impacts, as determined from interviews (easy)
matrix.html needs to clearly identify which features will be implemented in Winter Phase 1 and Phase 2
userInterface.html (1) needs to be updated per the latest agreed-upon top-level UI; (2) needs clarification on admin and instructor authentication. Both of these will be discussed during the first week of class.
basic_schedule_generation.html needs workflow scenario examples of saving an empty schedule template for the department as a whole (the "master list"), and per-quarter template schedules
ViewRequirements.html needs at least one concrete example of searching and filtering
resource-management.html need clarification at top about where resources are stored within a schedule, and how schedule resource templates can be created and used
instructor-preferences.html needs concrete example of launching and using instructor UI, in subsection 2.5.4
fileMenu.html (1) needs title change to "File and Settings Menus" (2) needs to be updated per the latest top-level UI, including updates to file commands, and addition of settings commands (3) in particular for settings, there needs to be a "schedule goodness" command that measures goodness by one of a number of previously-published measures
installation.html needs complete clarification on how per-department installations are made
futureWork.html needs a bit more expansion of each topic (easy)

Choose a department focus and perform initial test schedule generation

Each team member will use a particular department as a focus for testing this quarter. In particular, we will develop the Fall 2011 and Winter 2012 schedules for the chosen departments, using the Scheduling Tool. Before client release, the Scheduling Tool must be readily usable for producing these schedules. "Readily usable" means the:

  1. all instructors, courses, and locations can be entered into the databases

  2. a "master list" schedule template can be saved and re-opened using 'File->Save' and 'File->Open'

  3. a schedule can be generated automatically, with a reasonable use of instructor preferences, where "reasonable" means:

    1. no instructor is ever assigned a course or time that is "not possible"

    2. the majority of instructors are assigned courses that they prefer

  4. the actual published Winter and Spring schedules can be produced by schedule editing

  5. schedules can be viewed using Calendar view, and at least one other form of view

  6. the schedules can be saved and opened

The Scheduling Tool will not be released until complete Fall and Winter schedules have been generated for all departments. Note that this does not mean that the automatic generation algorithm must produce the actual schedule, but that the actual schedule must be produceable via editing.

A potential usability measure for schedule generation is the number of edits required to produce a final schedule from the automatically-generated schedule. We will discuss and formalize this measure as the testing progresses.

The departments we have interviewed are the following:

During the first week of class, each team member will choose one of these departments to be her/his focus for acceptance testing work this quarter. There is a template for the acceptance test report in the repository, here:
For quick reference, you can look at a checked out copy of this tempalte here

Choose a project development focus, for at least Phase 1 of the project.

This will be worked out during the first week of class, based on prototyping work assignments of last quarter, and how best to integrate new people this quarter.


  1. 11AM Wednesday 11 January: Requirements refinements, with summary reviews presented to class.

  2. 11AM Friday 13 January: First attempt at creating schedules for each department, with summary reviews presented to class.

  3. 11:59PM Friday 13 January: Requirements refinements committed to repository, in appropriate files in requirements directory.

  4. 11:59PM Friday 13 January: Schedule creation testing report committed to repository, in testing/acceptance/X/initial- report.html, for the appropriate department subdirectory X. Use the report template in testing/acceptance/templates/initial-report.html.

  5. 11:59PM Friday 13 January: Assigned design and implementation work committed to repository, in appropriate implementation directories.