CSC 405, Week 1 Introduction to the Course
Project Planning

  1. Weekly Lecture/Lab Overview

    1. Monday: Go over syllabus and milestone 1

    2. Wednesday:

      1. Clarify milestone 1 activities

      2. Discuss major requirements issues.

  2. Course Syllabus

    1. Instructor
      • Office hours M2-3, Tu9-11, WF10-11

    2. Objectives
      • refine requirements from Fall 2011
      • design, implement in two phases
      • release to clients, gather feedback
      • Javadoc design and implementation
      • define a formal JML model
      • functional tests with JML/JUnit
      • acceptance tests, on dept-specific data
      • end-user documentation

    3. Refining Requirements
        CSC405-F11-L1 Slide 2
      • Only a 1.5 week effort.
      • Details in Milestone 1 writeup.
      • Assignments on 40256 wiki

    4. Design and Implementation Phases
      • Two phases
      • Client releases weeks 5 and 9
      • Phase 1 is "solid prototype"
      • Phase 2 is "beta-version program"

    5. Winter Releases to Clients
      • In-person demos and Q/A sessions
      • Ask for response in usability questionnaire
      • 309 students do usability testing

    6. Javadoc Documentation
      • Some now, need more
      • Audience is Poly staff who may take over

    7. JML Formal Model
      • Design-by-contract style model
      • We'll use to help generate unit tests.

    8. JML/JUnit Functional Tests
      • Tool provides semi-automated test gen
      • Method postconds are test oracles

    9. User-Level Acceptance Tests
      • Each team member will focus on one dept
      • We'll develop a standard testing procedure

    10. End-User Documentation
      • Use requirements scenarios and UI screens as basis of documentation.
      • Provided as online help.

    11. Course Evaluations
      • I will provide written evaluations, bi-weekly.
      • Posted in private course directories
      CSC405-F11-L1 Slide 3

  3. Draft Project Time Line
    Week Activities

    1 organize
    2 requirements refinement; testing
    3 phase 1 development
    4 phase 1 development
    5 phase 1 development
    6 requirements refinement/enhancement
    7 phase 2 development
    8 phase 2 development
    9 phase 2 development
    10 documentation production
    11 analysis of client feed back

  4. Milestone 1

    Deliverables -- on Week 2 of the Quarter

    1. Wed: Oral report on requirements refinements

    2. Friday: Oral report on initial testing

    3. Friday: Committed requirements files

    4. Friday: Committed testing report

    5. Friday: Committed development work (Javadoc at minimum)